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  • Aw man, you sure you want out? All it takes is a little practice to potentially win, though!
    My ID is Kane1118. My brother is watching wrestling atm so maybe at like 11:10?
    Im Eastern as well. I might be available later at night if that's okay with you.
    that works :) I think I still have Whitney in my last 16 villagers so I may not even get anyone. & you're welcome!
    sorry about that, I kinda forgot about the void clearing, but I don't mind picking up someone from your void tbh. I cycle quickly so he/she will be out soon anyways cx
    sorry for the late response, but I actually do have a town you can clear your void at. my main town (Kinsale) has ten villagers, you're more than welcome to stop by there c:
    he's in boxes now, so whenever you've got a space to pick him up just let me know :)
    HE'S not moving out but I have del right now. I love him but if he pings, I won't be keeping him. If he moves I'll let you know:)
    I do still have beardo, I'll work on getting him into boxes for ya. I have no idea about the other three though, so I'll have to check. :>
    Movement-options: Running and rolling aren't always the best things to do; rolling in general isn't something that you want to do, because it leaves you vunerable and open for punishes, you should only ever roll when absolutly have to, because in most cases, there's a better option. Walking is in most cases supperior than running when you are "close" to eachother, simply because you can react out of it alot quicker, thus you are able to punish more precisley and safer.

    As for things you can do right now... I'd say change you buttom-layout and have your right joystick (the C-stick) set to tilts instead of smashes.

    You should also stop playing on for glory if that's something that you do alot, because frankly, it sucks.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
    While playing against you I also noticed you had something that I like to call "For Glory syndrome". By that I mean that you do things that are typical for For-Glory players (which is really bad). In order to get rid of this so-called For Glory syndrome you have to do the following:

    Stop using smash-attacks as often: Smash attacks are very unsafe compared to aerials and tilts (99% of the time). Smash attacks, especially Ike's, are slow and very punishable due to being so slow. You should instead consider using tilts, as they are safer, quicker and less punishable (and they lead in to more other moves). There is also the "decaying effect", but thats not so important.
    Yeah, the terms can confuse me alittle too, but they just sound complicated when they really aren't.

    But anyways....

    I could see a clear difference in your playstyle when you were in the lead, compared to when I was in the lead. You got alot more "aggressive" when I was in the lead, which isn't good. Ike (and most other heavyweights) are not supposed to be very aggresive at all, as an Ike player you're better off trying to punish your opponents misstake, or bait them, you also have to read them and get punish.

    Punish: You punish your opponent with a grab, an attack or something els when you get an opening because they screwed up in some way (they used a slow move etc. etc.)

    Read: I predict you doing an action and then punish you for it.
    I think that you're going to jump so I do an up-air attack to punish you.
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