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  • Hi :)
    Just got a tiny bit of wifi again, so I'm just letting you know that I saw the message and I will remove it once my signal is better :D
    Doesn't it take you a long time to work with colour transitions in your posts? It's beautiful, but I'm curious as to how long it takes to do.
    hey i'm sorry that jerk Jarrad went after you in the What Do You Look Like thread. there's seriously something wrong with them when they feel the need to attack people with sensitive issues... i'm sure that's about the only thing to make people like that feel better, but fortunately, that feeling doesn't last and they still end up feeling bad about the kind of person they are. plus they seem very very uneducated about a lot of things, and lash out about what they do not understand.

    anyway, i'm sure you're a nice looking person, and when you're comfortable, you should share.
    Hi, MayorEvvie told me to say this, but she saw your VM, and can't fix it as she has literally no wifi at the moment :c She says that she will remove it as soon as she gets home :)
    you don't need to apologize to someone who is trying to convince everyone mermaids exist. that's why we have mental hospitals
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