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  • Hey, I have some time now so if you'd like I can pay you for the sewing machine and you can drop off :)
    aw awesome, you already have the pokemon gold version! I need to get them too! Crystal is coming out too XD
    yeah sorry about that. I was trying to organised my items on my other town, and I still havent finished.
    LARS LARS LARS XD I saw ur message on animal crossing, but Im visiting my other town I have so i cant talk there. Sorry.
    not really sure tbh, maybe me eating too much before the flight or just the flight in general
    Yay! Also checked my town and no one had moved out, such a great relief. Well it was a night flight, and I was sick X(
    I bet it would've been good XD sorry. Also im home now! Flight back wasnt so great but hey im home, thats what counts.
    aw thats awesome! I've been looking at a few villagers to see who I wnt as a dreamie but not starting to get the villagers just yet. I rather work on some stuff like the ;ayout and getting the pwps and tree layouts.
    eh I was worried about my nephew seeing it and asking to play and I was never going to have enough time to do so as we were always going out.
    I did, but after a while I thought it really wasnt going to work as most of my friends wouldn't remember and don't know about it enough to know what they are doing so I left it. Hopefully it won't be a problem when I get back XD Lets hope!
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