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  • Not back yet, still in Mexico, going back on the 15th X3 Hope you had a great time celebrating the new year
    i have 200 right now but i'm waiting on pinkcotton's reply to see if she is still interested!
    hiya, when would you like to trade? i can do anytime tonight but would prefer sooner rather than later c:
    Ok, I'll get on later and see what I have. You said you needed the carnatiotaions and the holy shoot right?

    Also, I made a post asking someone if they know how to remove that bad rating. I'm trying to get rid of it :)
    It won't let me edit it, and I'm scared you are mad. I will try my best to get it removed :/
    No, you are misunderstanding. I had put it in at the same time as the post, but it didn't show up until today.

    I am not mad, I'm trying to get it taken off. Please don't be mad, I am trying to get it removed. :)

    This is so embarassing. I am so sorry :(
    Hey. Ignore the wifi rating, for some reason it just showed up and I can't get rid of it. :(
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