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  • Boo! You're still online! I'm riding my bike home as we speak now! Then imma reset until I get the perfect map! :3
    Yeah, I am! :D I teach 12-16-year-olds and I love my job! We've got several different levels in the Netherlands and my pupils all belong to the lowest levels, which makes it quite challenging to keep them motivated, but it's so rewarding when everything works out.

    It's not really tough, as I've been teaching at the same school for 3 years already and most of the prep-work has been done. Grading tests and papers is quite a lot of work but it can be fun too - a pupil recently had to translate the Dutch word "meebrengen", which means "to bring along" in English and translated it as "to kidnap" - I almost died laughing. :)

    I like to think of myself as a fun teacher and I think pupils think so too but I'm still a normal person. ;) It's not like being a teacher also makes you a different species entirely. :p

    Thanks for your message, I enjoyed writing this and it made me realise even more that I've got an amazing job. ^_^
    Sure, no problem. I'll just order via your thread then. You ready to do this now? I'll let you know when my gates are open.
    Would I be able to get you to order a ranch bookcase and ranch bed? Name your price. If not then I'll happily just come over to pick up Mathilda's pic.
    Oh cool, thanks! I'm planning on ordering some stuff from your thread, so we can sort something out soon. :)
    Awww bless xD They might feel bad :c You're just too kind dammit xD Dats true :3 Awww so cute :') Just ask away idm:3 Bit if they're offering it too you its different right?;3 Ooosh. xD I know, tastes beautiful doesn't it? *3* Tastes like it came from the heavens c:
    Awwww! Morning c: Thank you very much, here have a Tay cookie :3 *Passes the most amazing cookie in all of history* :3
    Awww dats so cute xD Gaaah xD Same, if theres aaaaanything, and I mean anything, I can help with just ask c: If you ever want me to find villagers or anything I'll do it c:< Challenge accepted.
    Haha I did as well, I was wondering why I had a whole bunch of stuff outside the train station xD Haha its fine no worries c: Sorry I'm actually sick so I fell asleep really quickly last night >< And I have school, so do you wanna pick it up some time later? C: I knoes o: Awww cute!:3 Thank you very much, don't forget that I'm here for you too;3
    I stored most hybrids in a friend's town! I won't make a gift from you dissappear! You should know that by now! :3
    That would be lovely! As long as you don't exaggerate! I really appreciate you're willing to help me! :3
    That's amazing! I'm currently resetting for the town map!

    Spent like loads of time on that yesterday! :3
    Hi sorry i got confused haha
    Can i come to your town? Ill pick and drop items so i can catalogue them :) thanks
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