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  • awww, such a kind-hearted person yourself my friend! :3 and oh my! That would be quite a big list of stuff I imagine! And maybe... maybe I might xD haha But I'm glad you enjoyed my kindness though :) That makes me happy to hear ^-^

    and aww, don't think it like that way though! I do feel so sorry about Blaire >_< I really was going to ask if you wanted to wifi again and have you talk to her again just in case, but it slipped my mind ;___; I'm so sorry! I feel like I should be the blame ><
    I would love to know how you got so many bells! I'd want to make the same amount! :3
    Would you really? I don't see you as a slave! <3

    By the way, could you ask kyoko how much she asks or pink roses & pink lollies? :3
    No not yet! I completely changed my paths & spend all the bells I had left on bushes! I'm trying to make something out of my town at the moment! Tonight loads of beetle hunting to make some more bells! :3

    How are you? <3
    5 times:eek: I'm flattered xD thank you soooo much!!<3

    aw but look at your own town!! I rate it 11/10!!!:) wanna come round tonight and see it for real?:eek:^-^<3
    I know! hehe that would be SOOO mean! :3 I should just walk around town, steal the 3ds XL from a child for a moment :D No jokes!

    Hmm.. But what about my mermaid, princess and all other furniture sets? :S
    If I could get someone's 3DS XL's registration code, I'm able to get a free downloadable copy of ACNL! But on the other hand I really want to have that other town map! :3
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