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  • That would be June 14th for me! Then I got plenty of time to travel! Which is great! Hmm but how about all my stuff? :3
    Well I was thinking of setting the date back to when I started Sunrose and then TT until I get to this date again! Just to make sure everything will be as it was!
    Well first of all it's my town map! I really, really am starting to hate that map! I have so little space overall!
    Ohh.. I'm kind of in a dilemma! I don't know whether to start over again or not.. Whenever I try to place a PWP is a search of dead to find a place.. I really am thinking about starting over again, but I don't want to lose all my stuff either!

    What are your thoughts?
    Pink hair isnt that great xD
    But my dog made me drop it, and the screens completly shattered T^T and the spacebar came off o_O
    Idk about adorable, I'm ok I guess>~< but I would be on that chat all the time xD I was upset I couldnt join in the other chat since my laptop is all messed up right now>~<
    It sucks cuz you cant blend in, its too noticeable xD I'll make sure to make account when you set it up^~^ I think you'd make a good father xD
    Its pink right now xD
    But I'd love to be a part of a big family, And since it works on phones, I definitly could^~^
    I used to try changing my characters hair color to match whatever it was IRL, but I got too impaitient cuz I wanted my whole outfit to match xD
    I'd love to meet her^~^ that was the first time I went to your town:3
    And I thought you had an actual pic of me, I was wondering how you got it xD I changed my characters clothes again xD
    I had a feeling you were the one who dropped that money-.-' so now I get to pay you back double the amount^~^
    I hate to ask this, but do you have room In your town to hold a villager for me? D: I cant pick her up until tomorrow, and shes in boxes>~<
    Good boy xD

    It's 12:45pm here so I should be saying Good Afternoon to you xD
    Yuuush all my friends call me Tay xD Omg thats awesome but its gonna be confusing xD We can be Tay1 and Tay2 xD Hahaahahah omg xD Maaaaatt, worship me xD Dooo it xD I'm from the south so we don't really have strong accents I don't think xD Hehe okaay, thank you very much:3 Just take your time though, its fine c: I still have your stuff I ordered from my catalogue:3 Oooo lah lah I feel loved xD Thanks very much:3 Pahahah how cute xD True true xD If you ever need anything, you know where I am;3

    N'night, have sweet dreams mwahahahahah xD Have a good sleep :3 *Huuuuuuug*<3
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