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  • Omg I was so engrossed talking to you and watching KH1.5 I forgot you were supposed to sleep Dx
    Awwww so cute xD I'm melting, the things you say are too cute xD Wooo British xD I wish I could just give you a hug, you're so sweet xD

    Now, Matt go to sleep, I'll take you to your bed if I have to xD I'll even give ya a Tay cookie (dey are the best kind:3) okaaay? XD
    I've heard of everyone but yourlileogirl :3 Dats so cute, I wanna be friends with everybody xD I is the top ;3 Obey me xD Yuush it can c: I just tried the TBT one c: Thats the one on your giveaway thread right?:3 I can use that one xD Awwww bless xD :3
    Pfft, noooo xD Why would you think I'm spying pssssh dear oh dear xD I'm making sure you get your beauty sleep;)
    Oh really?o: Have you got work to do or something? O: Yuuuuush you should!:3
    Pahaha I'm the mama xD Awww really?:D Who are they?:3 Yaaah, 'cause I always use my phone for TBT :3
    Dey don't come easily so treasure them ;3 xD Awwwww thats so cute!:D I know its weird right xD Awww wow that'd be awesome!:D We can all be one happy family xD So sweet, thank you:') I'd be happy to be apart of it:') Gaaaaah you're buttering me all up, I'm melting xD Same:') Mr. Summer Santa;)

    .. Go to sleep mr xD I see you're still on xD
    I win xD
    Thank you very much xD Heheh yaaaay:') Have a nice sleep! <3 Pahahsha good one xD N'night Matt... you can't do anything with yours Dx Meeeer. XD
    *biiiig hug* c:
    You'll never find me, muahahaha! I is a master of disguise;3 Seee? You're sleepy bless:c
    Meeeeer xD We can do this tonight or tomorrow c: So get some rest, otherwise I'll be sad:'( And I'll make sure I don't fall asleep before you come on:3
    Awww bless, you wrote on your wall thingy not mine xD Cute xD Its fine, I'll be satisfied if you sleep since you must be tired:c
    Naaaaaaao D: I'll run away like a ninja and you'll never find me *u*. Honestly its fine, I swear its nearly 4am over there o:
    It is your forte isn't it mr. Matt xD Being Santa all season round xD Pahahaahha its fine, I fell asleep with this logged in anyway xD So its cool, no worries, just take your time:') Its fiiine, a little tap will work too xD Awwww so sweet:') Just tell me if it gets too much doe, I don't wanna tire you out Dx Oh really?:c Were the guys really ungrateful and rude?:/ Pahah fair enough xD Its fine, take your time 'cause I'm still half alseep xD Isn't it late over there? O: You can go to sleep, its fine c:
    Awww why are you such a sweetheart?^u^ Hehe, I'm happy you think that:') Well just tell me if it is with a slap on my hand and I'll learn xD Paahha I guess xD Have people like that asked for rare stuff or something?xD
    Aaaa its fine no worries xD Pahaha how cute xD You just get bombarded and theres no escape D:
    If its too hard to get or anything, please just honestly tell me c: I don't mind just getting the hair-bow wig (since I've been looking for that sucker for ages Dx) Awww dats sweet but I'll just have the hair-bow wig, itsh cool:3 Youre so kind c: Oooooh I didn't know that;×; Thank you for sharing your knowledge xD I TTed to the next day anyway since I wanted to get Benjamins house up xD Oh wow, that must bw tough:c You're a real star, y'know?:'3
    Oh btw, I got the stuff your missing:3 Hopefully you still need it all c: I put it outside the tain station xD
    Hheh :3 I shall do it!:D I decided to do it now, nothing can stop me^0^/~ Its fine honest since you've helped me so much:D Thank you, I'll tell you what I'd like to order once I have a nose around xD Oh why thank you :3 Finally, its the weekend ;u;
    Matt you're literally too kind, but I had Marshal in my campsite a few weeks ago and he moved in!!!:D thaaank yoouu so much anyway! You can have him, or I think Kyoko is looking for him:3
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