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  • looooool I have a shiny Clauncher too from chain fishing rip, it's red just like Crawdunt T.T

    I saw that afkdfkhd it's gonna take so long to get my dominance back! yours should last for awhile not many ppl write 2 me
    I rly like Cherrim too but it always bugged me how u have to use sunny day to make it be cute! Recently started to like Buneary a lot too
    Ooh, Drunken Master was good, can't go wrong with Jackie Chan.

    The first Ip Man was pretty good, if you've seen Rogue One the main character played Chirrut. Chocolate had some cool fight scenes but I remember it being a little odd at times? Or maybe I just watched it too close to Kung Fu Hustle which was definitely odd all the time.
    omg yay a wall of u, my dream ! I took over yours too no one else comment on Sarah's page now ok !!! :lemon:
    haha it's actually neither, that's Clauncher! this is Crawdunt (that sounds funnier than its real name it's Crawdunt now)

    yez we have 2 different crawfish pokémon and NO ALPACA ….

    u know what other Pokémon is cute but I constantly forget about it is Cherubi, it's just like a cherry with a face wtf so adorable and yet SO forgettable

    I didn't eem know there was more versions of the cat gif lol now I want the others!
    wow.. dam...… i admit those look like some highly skilled warriors but I've been ready for this my whole life
    me suffering and dying amongst the basculin until a local crawfish carries me to safety

    Dedenne is so cute I forgot it existed somehow

    OHH it's the guy making the face hahahahah I never knew what it was called, I love that one too. and those two u posted killed me goodbye I'm dead
    and loool oh god there would be an image like that!!!! >:T at least I'm not the only one tortured by the foul wretched ugly green fish. Bless u for your mercy ily <33
    HAHAH that's like the most hilarious thing when they act like they're startled or even offended by their own farting. dogs are so weird. yeah I don't envy u that position cuz their gas is nasty ! I'll pray for u
    everything about that picture is awesome omg hahahah how did u even get that so quick, did u know Momo would end up in the slammer one day? what other illicit things has he been up to..

    RIP Basculin. Probably legit one of the worst Pokémon ever, it's just so boring. orz & I have a special hate for it because I used to chain-fish for shinies in Pokémon Y and I could NEVER get a shiny Dratini because you can also fish up Basculin in the same area so every single time it was a shiny guess what it was instead of Dratini……. I have like 20 shiny Basculins, and those are just the ones that didn't KO themselves with Final Gambit before I could catch them.
    /rant omg I just hate basculin LOL ofc it would be annoying and take a long time to hatch too what else could u expect from it

    what's the conceited meme? asking for a friend who doesn't know… :rolleyes: haha! aw 15 lbs isn't that much girl that's like nothing, I lift that much..! /dies I need some bigger weights
    and looking at the gudetama pic closer i think he's being covered in plastic wrap i guess? haha I just liked it b/c he was like "yo!"
    HAHAH ok I'll call the police on Momo too, sorry Momo but you're going away for a long time....
    omg u did? I'm sorry ur out of control I'm calling the police

    mm I wish I had a burger though! I just had some rice earlier it wasn't really satisfying :V and I would not be surprised at all to find out u were a magical girl irl..!

    omg another cute cat w/ a barbell thank u I promise to use it wisely <33 lol
    no worries bruh.. just try not to let it happen again >D lol jk
    and I try to keep a well rounded collection, that's all I can say LOL (I just google when I need one :p which is more often than one would think). Are u getting a bunch of errors too??

    oh it's still an egg? aaa I do miss the anticipation of waiting for a cool egg to hatch. And the horror of getting an egg from the lab that takes like 10,000 points (or whatever they call them) to hatch x.x I'll try to get on later tonight, I spent all day doing who knows what instead! Maybe ur sona could have a cupcake ;D hahah
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