everything about that picture is awesome omg hahahah how did u even get that so quick, did u know Momo would end up in the slammer one day? what other illicit things has he been up to..
RIP Basculin. Probably legit one of the worst Pokémon ever, it's just so boring. orz & I have a special hate for it because I used to chain-fish for shinies in Pokémon Y and I could NEVER get a shiny Dratini because you can also fish up Basculin in the same area so every single time it was a shiny guess what it was instead of Dratini……. I have like 20 shiny Basculins, and those are just the ones that didn't KO themselves with Final Gambit before I could catch them.
/rant omg I just hate basculin LOL ofc it would be annoying and take a long time to hatch too what else could u expect from it
what's the conceited meme? asking for a friend who doesn't know…

haha! aw 15 lbs isn't that much girl that's like nothing, I lift that much..! /dies I need some bigger weights