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  • and no joke I did the pizza thing once before, I was just so hungry when I made it that I ate half right off the bat and was like "I'll just save the other half" BUT THEN I ATE IT TOO and felt my life get shorter by like 5 years.

    but no way super Sarah would be more like Super Sailor Moon B>


    and I have like 1 mil pd on there still I think so dw about me : D but I would love a Mimikyu from u forever so if u find one I could buy it from you
    nooo I'm stronk remember I'm like this

    Haha! It might be nice to be seen as fragile though, then maybe folks would b a little more considerate. I'm already like one and a half ft tall what else do I have to do >:T

    Ohh I get it. Blah gamer dude mentality, I mean I like video games but even I get bored of stuff like that. Like people who take stuff like Smash Bros way too seriously just drive me nuts but I guess they must enjoy playing the game that way… somehow…

    and omg ur def either a ghost or a fairy there's no 2 ways about it! I just permanently associate you with Togepi though hahaha <3 AND THANK YOUUU hahah I'm glad you like it ; v; you can use it wherever you want !!

    & WHAT IS A CUPCAKE KOALA CUZ IT SOUNDS RLY CUTE you're gonna send me back to ph any second girl
    omg super Sarah... too powerful.... regular Sarah already has the strength of like 1000000 people
    Yeah I guess if they have sprites of them they would have either commissioned it or made it themselves (I used to do pkmn sprite edits when I had a program that could actually do pixel art. ArtRage can't, which is annoying ;;)
    LOL I actually just drew that as an example but if I did have one it would probably be like that! :p I'm not sure where u would begin if you were going to make one either. Just add things you want to a Pokémon u like? change the color? put a sweater on it???

    ^ that's u if you were a Pokémon ;D (spent a lil more time on that than the mimikyu lolol)
    Let me know whatever you have in mind and I can help by sketching it out for you or something!! I think it would be cute to have a pokésona. :>

    & Yeah I missed the Mimikyu event I remember being salty about that hahah I guess I could just buy it.
    Yeah but I've never seen the actual episode, just saw that pic and died. :p No wonder him and Putin are such good pals. ;/ Our old PM (Steven Harper) was kind of the same as well, he lost sooo hard during the last election it was hilarious.

    And thank u bby that means a lot❤❤ I'm okay now it's over with though! Just family stuff which is what it always seems to be. OTL if you fly to my house I'll be happy you won;t have to force it!! lmao

    I don't even know what the good vehicle combinations are on MK8 I'm a fraud T.T I only need to be better than the CPUs and my noob friends n family, that's good enough for me bahahaha
    and omg MK8 was never quite as hype as it was when the AC update came out, that's why I always drive the crappy scooter B]
    She's a beagle so she basically sleeps half the day and then runs around NONSTOP the other half :p nuuuuu drink lots of vitamin C!!
    also i'm like 99% sure it's not weird but I don't know what that is exactly hahah u mean like this?

    (yes I drew that it in like 30 seconds don't judge me lolol)
    cuz if ur telling me u have a pokesona I wanna see it >:D
    hihihi (ɔˆ ³ˆ)ɔ sorry for not answering yesterday, I had to jet and ended up having a really stressful day so I just tossed myself into bed. I hope that advil helped and your headache went away so you could get some rest. ;; Feeling any better today?

    thank u very much for the jellyfish (so cute ) and the congratulations..!! Hahaha it really was an accomplishment for me, I'm not really a competitive player. :p I drive Waluigi on a scooter I think that speaks for itself.. lol

    and omggg matching Plusle and Minun *o* Already I can feel the burning desire to click thousands of times returning to me!!!! lmao I don't even normally like clicker games but ph was seriously addictive. & ty bbu but you already gave me so much stuff on there <333 like my megastone !

    vvvvvv congrats on the future peach sale too! haha
    I ammmm. More like having an awesome time bothering my brother's dog :'D i'm going to take her out for a walk today and do the scavenger hunt thing (trash can and bench) hehe. I can't find an 80s cd unless i go to the local fake DVD shop :p how are you? Are you 100% recovered now?!! I hope so <3
    i can't imagine being able to watch that much tv unless there was like a bizarre foods marathon

    actually though the one thing that gets me to binge something is if i catch a cold or get a fever, i watched a lot of kung fu movies last time i got sick
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