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  • i'm about to play some mario karty so i won't be able to reply yet but hey ily !! I hope your headache goes away :< mine hasn't come.. yet... >:O lol maybe it was a false alarm. //HUGSS
    tumblr is the only place where I get old ppl ads, I'd show you the spam emails I get but they're pretty explicit LMAO

    and ty!<3 I grabbed the ghost last night after they suddenly sent out the mirror tickets and the paint bucket tickets! debating whether to get goomba now
    That's the thing about games where you can pay $ to quickly get content, it's like instant gratification but then ur like "ok I have the thing so...... now what" haha any time I paid money on Gaia I always ended up just wondering what the point was later, thankfully it was always super small amounts or I'd probably be full of regrets since Gaia is absolutely worthless now. Did you actually get a starter you like this time? I remember u said you didn't even care much for Meganium.
    and I paid like over 1000 tbt for ph stuff myself so I def gotta get back to it or else I'll feel like I wasted my bells ;;

    whaaat! you ate disgusting cough syrup for nothing?? RIP
    Here is a kirby to take the edge off..

    that sucks, this cold is really dragging its feet arrrgh T.T
    I'm p good today but my shoulders are a bit stiff, I can kind of feel a headache coming on but I hope I'm wrong bleh
    LMAO thanks Obama /dead I thought president dump was hard at it trying to get the ACA repealed. Fuhhh I dunno what it is that's so stressful about phone calls but I can actually feel my heart start beating faster even when I'm just trying to make a hair appointment hahaha but my dentist has a website too so I can just make one online as well.

    aww I hope you get your new job soon! Then u can buy all the Sonic ice cream you want. : p what if you got a job like u had at Target but, not at Target... or would that defeat the purpose of quitting the job in the first place lol
    As paranoid as I get I'm actually more like this

    lool I've been making strides to be better about it though..! Can't keep playing games w my health, with my luck I know I'll legitimately screw myself over and then won't I feel like boo boo the fool :lemon:
    I don't know how u could bring yourself to start over on PH, you had so much stuff on your old account! I guess it can be fun getting it all again, but I like totally forgot how to earn all of the badges I did manage to get so if I started over I know I wouldn't have the motivation to get anything back. x>

    anywhooo GOOD MORNING ! ★ How are u? Did that cough sizzurp finally do its work??? :0 no funky dreams I hope!
    NOTHING BEATS A JELLY DONUT bahahahah that was just confusing even as a kid because it was very clearly not a donut, I don't know why they thought that was a good idea. :p it comes back a few times during the anime and it's just too much adfjfkjgfks I wonder if they just call it what it is in the new seasons

    Being sick is an excuse! A better one than mine actually :x lol awww no your ice cream!! rip I feel despair just reading that. Someone better have got u a new one. Update that resume girl I believe in u, you have the power!!! *+:。.。ヽ(◕ω◕❀) I am still hard at work to shift us into an alternate reality where u get money for nothing, but until then.. lol
    and yeah I feel u being poor is super lame. Actually having spending money and being able to buy things is like, the best feeling in the world HAHA if you're shallow like me I guess! But I honestly love being able to buy nice things sooo much
    How many names have you used so far? There's probably a ton of people on TBT right now that I'd recognize if I knew their old names.
    I was gonna write back but I'm more tired than I thought orz so I will talk to u tomorrow,,! good night, sweet dreams & sleep well!!! <333 sending you all my positive energy !
    pechue? you were pechue?? you were ghostelle the last time you messaged me, iirc.

    i'm bad with keeping track of names on here, i worry one day someone like peter or laudine will change their names and my first reaction will be something like "oh when did we get a new mod"
    & thank youuuu for the healing thoughts, I can feel them working!! : D Sincerely though it definitely feels better than it did a couple days ago. I've just been trying to burn it out with Listerine and salt rinses and hope it goes away. I'll probably still cart my stupid azz to the dentist anyway, I could use a check up and I know I'll just freak myself out wondering what the problem could be if I don't go haha I get paranoid over literally the slightest aches and pains x.x
    Hope your day was nice and you're feeling better..! <3
    what's onigiri that's one of Brock's jelly donuts

    LOL. the ridiculous 4Kids dub gave many golden things but nothing like the jelly donut.. I wish I could remember the context of the gif but it escapes me. hahaha cough sizzurp! That stuff is nasty but I'm crossin my fingers it works for u!!! no more coughing for my poor bbu (┛◉Д◉)┛

    omg what a couple of lazy boneses. Good luck with your resume ! ;; I was gonna try to take a look at my book today but my nephews came over for 10 thousand years so yeah.. that's my excuse today. lmao

    shiny ditto!!! Doesn't that remind you of obsessively trying to get that shiny Ditto plushie on ph HAHAH didn't you end up getting like 2 or 3?? I recall being jealous of your luck. >:p
    I was trying to remember when I talked to a velvete.

    Then I remembered name changes were a thing.
    also not much new, I'm up to the same old. I have this handbook about postsecondary schools in the province but i just keep not reading it lmao /dead and summer's almost over too! >:T Also might have to go to the dentist soon, I've been noticing some weird pain in one of my extraction sites where I had my wisdom teeth out. But that was like almost 2 years ago or something so idk why it would start hurting suddenly sighhhh

    what about you ?? <3
    YOUUUUU you were supposed to spend those on urself!!! (=`ω´=) big thanks again bbu I'll always treasure this little alien<33 and the space invader too HAH /shot

    good morning! though I guess it's afternoon for u.. it's getting there for me too I've been noodling the day away. Argghh that sucks you woke up worse T.T that cold should just leave u alone I'm about to throw down with it >:/ what bad timing too, hopefully it goes away soon and you can still do some of the fair stuff!

    lool angry-crying squirtle omg that's so cute. heres me
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