NOTHING BEATS A JELLY DONUT bahahahah that was just confusing even as a kid because it was very clearly not a donut, I don't know why they thought that was a good idea.

it comes back a few times during the anime and it's just too much adfjfkjgfks I wonder if they just call it what it is in the new seasons
Being sick is an excuse! A better one than mine actually :x lol awww no your ice cream!! rip I feel despair just reading that. Someone better have got u a new one. Update that resume girl I believe in u, you have the power!!! *+:。.。ヽ(◕ω◕❀) I am still hard at work to shift us into an alternate reality where u get money for nothing, but until then.. lol
and yeah I feel u being poor is super lame. Actually having spending money and being able to buy things is like, the best feeling in the world HAHA if you're shallow like me I guess! But I honestly love being able to buy nice things sooo much