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  • (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)♥ dw about it I could say the same!! I'm good but strangely tired today ;; not enough to nap but enough to make me like eehhh.. so hope you're better than me today! ilysm
    aw that's ok girl have fun wherever ur going!! B> you have a wonderful night too ♡ ♡ ♡ get some sleep!
    probably make bank on that feather too, I'm amazed how fast it sold out compared to everything else O: I really thought there'd be more of a variety of collectibles being bought but every time I checked it was only sweet feathers selling hahah it was killing me as I sat there at 19 tix

    I didn't think much of the space invader at first but it just keeps looking cuter. It's a cool green and purple combo too it would look neat even by itself imo!
    edit: ohh I just saw it in Thunder's line up and it looks gr8 with the flower glow wand
    I'm scared of wiping out like a dumbass but not much else, I live in a really small town so the only other ppl even out at that time are the old people (proof that I am in fact a senior citizen!!) I'll be careful bbu <33

    I can't remember all the special ones but the Easter Diggersby was like ridiculously cute, I don't know how they managed to make such an ugly pokémon actually look appealing, I wish it looked like that in game too ;/ I just signed in to check (my last activity was "viewing the forums" 9 months ago RIP), it looks like ur last known alias was Ghostelle..! Hahahah yeah that was my username!!! You and your funky memory. B> I'll get on it later and add ur new one if I can remember to! As long as they have Mimikyu I'm good to go.

    Indigo League is the first one LOOL I KNOW IT'S CORNY AND BAD but also good!!! I like Orange Islands too and some of the Johto season but anything past that is just worthless
    I think I asked u to show me some vaporwave because you got me intrigued!! that's all I remember.. haha
    I slept pretty good but not very long, rolled out at 3 am and went for a fast zip around town on my bike then went to work. Weekends are cool cuz I can basically go whenever, everything's closed. Did you sleep well?? : D

    and OMG ph I still haven't gone back to that yet!! I will eventually.. need to see my Candaria lolol every time I play pkmn now I'm just so disappointed mega Altaria doesn't look like that. :p Did they add Alola Pokémon to the site?

    yay <333
    yeah! I want to make it really big but... idk if i'll have time haha. i'll show you my progress!!
    Oh man... i'm sorry the recovery was so horrible. anyways GET BETTER SOON <3 I usually help out at the restaurant when I'm back home.. I am also preparing to make some new artworks for a group show in october, it's haunted house themed.. i'm super excited :D
    Ohh you got your tonsils out? Well rest well ok!! Drink honey water! I'm going back for 3 weeks I think. I actually think I have To work when I get there tho :(
    I hope you recover quickly! I'm exactly like you. I don't get sick often but the few times I have I've gotten really bad so I tend the be very dramatic even when it's just a cold :p and thank you!!! I thought it was time for a change after having the same one for years now. I don't know if it qualifies tho &#55357;&#56834; I like yours too!! I've been meaning to do the other events but I'm so lazy
    oh no sick with what?! I'm going home tomorrow! Excited, but still have a whole day of work ahead of me :<
    It was a lazy day, followed by a good meal at a steakhouse. So I'm definitely not complaining. I hope that you're having a great weekend too.
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