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  • And yeah it is much better. People seem to think that us English people get super easy exams because we all get better grades just because grade boundaries can lower, but to be honest that's how it should be! If everyone did badly, then that's most definitely because it was a difficult exam, so you shouldn't blame the students... It is a bit nicer though anyway haha, although I guess if we had teachers setting our exams that'd be nice too since they would want to set questions they know we'd do well in. To be honest though, my poetry question in my English Lit exam was asking how identity was presented by a certain poet, and I swear we had already done that question before for a mock exam or something?! xD I do think the teachers see the paper beforehand or get a rough idea on what it's going to be on, so it makes life a bit easier for us since the teachers prepare us a bit better. And yeah I guess that's good because it doesn't really affect you much at all!! :)
    I see, I see! That's a shame. I am sure if he knew that sometimes you all get a bit confused and if he knew like a more effective way of teaching you all, then he would be a good teacher. It's always good to want to teach something that is your passion, because then you will enjoy being able to spread your passion to other people, and inspire other people. And yeah well if he sees not many people did well he will try to find different ways to teach you all or get some help from some like people higher up at the school. So hopefully things improve soon!
    And oooh that sounds lovely. Where are you going off to? :) But relaxing sounds good to me! And I am probably going to relax a lot too. I have a few plans coming up in the coming weeks. I'm meeting up with one of my online friends and we're going to a comic festival and a cat café, and then I'll be seeing Taylor Swift in concert, so I'm pretty excited for that! But as for the actual holidays, i'll probably try to go out to places with friends, maybe go up to London, and so on. I'm not going on holiday I don't think... I am going to New York in October though with my media class though which is gonna be good! And ooh wow where do you work? o: I hope you are able to find a job soon, too! And that it all works out okay. :D
    Oh no that sounds bad! :( Your teacher sounds so harsh. Surely they would want to set you questions that they know you would be able to do well on, or things that they have prepared you for. I mean if you all did badly then surely that reflects badly on him too, since he would look like a bad teacher. But anyway, at least you managed to just get through it and pass it, so that is good! And that's fair enough! I have nice teachers too but they aren't that great at teaching, and I would feel bad if I complained just because they are so nice xD idk! And yes our exams are set by exam boards! So basically the whole country will take the same exam (unless they go with a different board), so we all sort of struggle together. And that way if when they've marked them all, they see that we all did really badly, then that means it was a hard exam so they will lower the grade boundaries.
    Also I'm sorry I only just accepted your friend request! I completely spaced about it and haven't really been on my Wii in awhile, but we can play sometime if you'd like!
    That sounds really fun! I've been wanting to go to the Baltimore aquarium for a long time now, so hopefully I'll get to do that soon. I didn't know you play any instruments! What do you play? And omg, don't feel bad haha. I don't think I was seriously ready for either of them, so it probably all worked out for the best.

    That totally makes sense! I've only ever moved once (to a different elementary school in fifth grade), but it was only across town, and I got to see most of my old friends once we started middle school, so I can't imagine what it must be like to be moving so far and losing so many friends. I hope you get to stay in touch with the ones you want to and that you make new ones fast.

    Haha, I guess it's a good thing you're feeling nervous! Sometimes I feel like I've been too complacent because I didn't feel that nervous going into senior year, but once I started band camp it really hit me and I felt weird. I hope you do feel ready once school starts!
    I just wish I could say the same for my other former best friend haha.

    Anyway, yeah! Are you excited for your senior year this year?
    Where did you used to work? And I actually applied for two jobs a couple months ago, and one told me they didn't want me (it was at PetCo haha) and the other never got back in touch, so it's safe to assume they didn't want to either. As much as I'd like a job, I'm afraid of wasting my whole summer working, and I think that's what's holding me back from applying more seriously.

    It does feel weird in a way! Even if some of my friends haven't been the best, it'll feel weird moving on from them and not seeing them, especially since some of them are moving really far away. It was also kind of weird because I saw my best friend from tenth grade (she stopped talking to like all of us when she got her boyfriend, it was really weird), and I had just assumed that she dropped out because she had a baby in August and never came back to school. It was kind of nice to see her, even after all that had happened? She looked really happy.
    Oh gosh wow, it must have been a hard exam. Who sets your exams? Is it like your teacher or an official exam board? o: And oh that's good! Well a pass is still really good, I think so anyway! :) And yeah it is because it's not like there is any right or wrong answer, it's mostly based on how you have written.

    It must be, I don't know how you do it. ;-; I remember right before I went on my Christmas holiday last year, I was so exhausted. I had literally so much work to do.. Anyway do you have any plans for your summer holiday? Oh wow you've had a job since you were 12?! I guess that is lucky for you. ^^ And yes it is really rude if they don't tell you, because it's like you have put so much time and effort into writing out the application form (I mean one of the ones I did yesterday took me an hour x_x), so the least they could do is just email you back or something. It really is!! What is your NNID? Maybe we can add each other and play against one another sometime. :3
    There's nothing wrong with being lazy! Tbh I'll probably spend most of my summer being lazy, even though I'd really like to get a job. Are you planning on working this summer?

    I'm actually not really feeling anything towards graduation at the moment. I still don't feel like anything's happening, and part of me thinks that's because I'm staying here for college, so there won't be a huge change of location for me or anything. I think tomorrow it'll probably hit that I won't see probably 95% of these people again, and I'm not very sure how to feel about that.
    I've been pretty well! I got kind of sad on Wednesday night for some reason, but then I started rewatching my favorite anime and it really cheered me up haha. How have you been? And I actually graduate tomorrow! :) We had the rehearsal today and I'm kind of happy because I have a seat at the end of the row.
    And yeah we do, it's a shame but we do get like weeks off when you don't, and we get more time off at Christmas, so in some ways I prefer that. I would get too tired out otherwise. ^^ And thank you so much! It's demotivating when you keep getting emails back saying you've been rejected, but at least I am actually being told I didn't get the job, because sometimes I don't hear anything back at all. I hate applying for jobs. :x I just want to sit around and play Splatoon all day!
    That's great! And I am glad you did a bit better than usual in Maths, and well... Chemistry is really difficult anyway so I can't blame you. :\ As long as you tried your best then there is no room for regret! And well I haven't gotten my results yet (we get them in August), but I think overall they went pretty well. My English Literature exam was the worst one, but even then that was okay. We just had this really weird extract we had to analyse and I didn't understand what it was talking about (since it is in relation to one of the topics we've studied) and it was so hard to follow. But I just wrote down what I thought was best. And after the exam everyone said they did the same thing as me which was reassuring. But the rest of my exams were much easier than I thought they would be, so that's good!
    That's okay don't worry about it! :D I know you said you had exams soon so I assumed you were probably busy with them. I had my exams too recently so I was busy revising for them, but they're all done now. How did your exams go anyway? And ohh gosh, you're so lucky. Your summer break starts so early! Mine doesn't start until mid July... And I'm glad you're great! I'm also doing well thank you, just been busy applying for jobs lately, so fingers crossed I at least get an interview soon!
    It's sort of like an internship but much more supervised by whoever your mentor is, who usually isn't a teacher unless you want to do teaching stuff. You get to shadow your mentor at their job, and I know some people who have even helped out with the job, so it sounds pretty neat. I really wish I could've taken the class, but it didn't fit in my schedule.
    Oh wow, that sucks. :( My friend didn't really do that, she's just hit on me for awhile and then started pretending I didn't exist lol. I'm sorry your friend did that to you, that sounds like it'd be really hard to go through.

    Good luck with the teaching thing! My school (and probably a lot of others) also offers mentorships, so you could always go that route. I know that helps a lot of people decide for sure that they want to do something or even realize they don't, so it seems like a good program.

    Ooh, I get you. I'm terrified of heights, so I'd really rather not go on an airplane, at least for now. There are places I want to go that will require getting on one, so I guess someday I'll have to suck it up and go on one.
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