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  • My last day is kind of up in the air, lol. Seniors get out a week early here, which should be May 29th, but some teachers are thinking it's June first for seniors, and some underclassmen I'm friends with are saying the underclassmen last day is the first, so I have no idea. I think I'll have to go back to take a test for my econ class, though, which kinda sucks.

    But wow, that's really early! Do you have anything fun planned for this summer?

    And don't feel bad haha. I like talking to you, so I definitely don't mind.
    Oh, okay! Kind of lame that they don't let you put it in your transcript, though. The nice thing about Virtual Virginia is that they actually pay for the exam for you (you have to take a final for them, though), which I thought was really cool.

    And oh, neat! I live about two hours from DC, so I'm not around there terribly often, but I imagine it'd be cool to live close by. Would you live on the Virginia side or the Maryland side? And I've only been to Boston once, but it was pretty nice too, so I hope you enjoy it if you do wind up living there!

    I actually had another exam yesterday, and then I have one on Tuesday and I'm done! I feel like I didn't study as hard as I should have this year, but I think it'll be fine in the end. And wow, nice that you didn't have to pay for that haha. I've never owed my school a textbook, but I bought a new one to replace one my dog ate last year, just in case they keep up with that stuff.
    Teaching would be nice. :) As a teacher you can make some friends with students, as long as you teach at a decent school and are one of the "cool" ones. :3 At school everyday I hear classmates/ friends talking about our science teacher, she's awesome. What kind of subject are you interested in teaching?.-.
    Sorry I haven't been around much! I've bern kind of keeping to myself and chilling, but it was nice. I feel pretty happy.

    Anyway, I hope you had a nice week lasts week, and I hope this one goes well for you too! Are you getting any closer to school ending, or nah?

    Also sorry for the last short little message, my phone went ahead and submitted it when I was trying to paste the rest of it haha.
    It turns out it won't be a good idea to take credit for some other exams, which sucks since it's basically a waste of money, but I am glad I at least got the experience.
    Oh, okay! Is it kind of like a dual enrollment class too, maybe, or more like an honors?

    I took Psych online through Virtual Virginia (which makes sense lol), but I know that there are people from other states that take classes on there, too, so I guess it really depends on what your school goes with. Do you get to choose the website yourself? And that's pretty cool, but I guess it also sucks since it'll be your senior year. Are you excited to move? Do you know where you're going yet?

    Yeah, I totally get you on that. And my Calc exam was actually today, haha, and I took my chem one yesterday. I felt a lot better about calc than I did chem, mainly because I felt like I could bs my way through most of the calc, which was kind of hard to do with chem. Either way, it doesn't matter what I get on either of them, since I won't be taking credit for either.
    I would like to be in the entertainment industry. As either an actor, or a makeup artist. I'm already studying in drama, but I have yet to have experience with makeup. :) What about you? What are you interested in as far as careers? ^-^
    Well, let me reword that. :p I'm not getting stressed out about it, I'm just planning extremely in advance. Every day I think about it. I really want to be successful in my career choice.
    But even if you don't get a good teacher, I'm sure you'll do fine! I think you're pretty smart, and psych seems kind of like an introductory AP to me because it doesn't have a whole lot of content and the exam is really short compared to others. What type of bad stuff have people at your school been saying about it?

    And oh, I'm sorry. :( I feel you on school, though. I actually wish I hadn't taken calc, but I'm just gonna try to do my best on the exam, since that's really all I can do now haha. I hope you have a better week this week! o:

    (And oh, that makes me feel better lol. I suppose we could be talking about weirder stuff, so I won't worry haha)
    Ooh yeah, telepathy would make me uncomfortable as well. Not only people being able to hear my thoughts, but potentially being able to hear others'? I really would not like that haha.

    And oh, okay! I'm not sure exactly what CP means (sorry I'm dense lol), but my school requires us to take a bio class first too (either regular or honors), which is definitely a good thing since it gives you some foundation in the subject beforehand. And I didn't find psych hard at all. I actually preferred taking it online because I had had the teacher beforehand when I took AP Euro my sophomore year, and while I liked him as a person, I didn't like him as a teacher at all. Do you know what website you'll be going through? With the one we used, we were able to finish a month before the exam, so the teacher did a lot of review with us.
    And I've been okay! I really need to study for AP exams (especially calc lol), so I'll probably get really heavy into that tomorrow. Other than that, I've been okay.

    (Also sorry I'm always talking about weird stuff haha)
    Yeah, that's basically what parapsychology is! I'm not so sure how I feel about telepathy, but I suppose I find precognition more believable if you follow the theory that déjà vu is caused by experiencing something that you predicted. I don't think I believe that people can predict the future at will or even predict really big events, though.

    And cool! I hope you have fun. o: I really liked psych when I took it, even if it was an online class. It's especially cool to take alongside AP bio, which I think you mentioned taking awhile ago?

    And oh dang, that sucks. But yeah, I really loved it too! I didn't know much about it other than the whole "there are nine doors and you have to escape", so the main themes and ending really surprised me (in a good way). I hope you have fun with it when you do get to play it!

    Oh, I'm sorry. :( I hope the weekend makes you feel better and that you get to relax some. If you need to talk about anything, I'm all ears.
    Sorry I haven't been around to reply lately!

    Well, I tend to believe more in the supernatural than I do in parapsychology, but I try not to believe too hard or I'll have difficulty sleeping at night lol. I definitely think anything is possible, though, so yeah.

    I find parapsychology a lot more interesting, mainly because it has less potential to be scary haha. And I guess you could do some snooping around on the web for it, but I'm thinking most psych classes discuss it a little, since my AP psych class last year did. It was pretty neat, but it was mainly focused around debunking it, which wasn't a whole lot of fun lol. If you're itching to try a new game (which also has some of this stuff in it), I'd recommend 999, which turned out to center around a lot of parapsychological stuff, surprisingly.

    And wow, dang. The mountains here are really old, so it doesn't snow a whole lot in them, even if you go up high.

    How was your week? o:
    Ohhhh, I gotcha. And yeah, I'm actually a huge baby when it comes to stuff like that, but I find it so interesting that I can't help but discuss it. What do you think about stuff like that (like the supernatural and parapsychology, I guess)? I have a friend who's a huge skeptic and doesn't believe in any of it, so we don't really talk to her about it haha.

    And oh, wow! Well, the weather's kind of finnicky here; it's snowed as early as October and as late as April, but I don't think it's ever snowed as late as May, haha. During the winter it can get pretty cold, though, so yeah. It's been really rainy and kind of cool lately, but it looks like it's beginning to warm up.
    Yeah, I usually prefer to buy games online, so I guess you could always check on Amazon or sone thing if you don't find it?

    And oh, cool! What type of scary game was it? My friends and I always talk about ghosts and stuff when we get together, which usually ends up being a bad idea because we all have trouble sleeping that night, so I know how you feel (although I guess you don't like spooky stuff?). Sorry you had trouble sleeping, though.

    And nah, it's fine. There's a certain area of my face that always gets red when I get sun, but it never hurts, and I guess it's nice that I'm already getting my tan for this year haha. How cold is it usually where you live?

    I hope you had a nice weekend and have a nice week. o:
    I haven't done anything very exciting aside from volunteering for a 5k yesterday, and we were all there two hours early, so we sat around and played games. It was pretty fun, but my face is a little bit red from all the sun now lol.

    And I hope you enjoy the TL edition! I love the Mineral Town girls, so it's gonna be hard for me to choose one haha.
    Oooh, okay. Yeah, they definitely look interesting and seem to be more plot-based, so I may give one of the newer ones a whirl.

    And yeah, Iris is beautiful! I was thinking of marrying her before I started, but I didn't like her as much in-game as I did out of it. It's probably because I haven't gotten very close to her and can't see her flower events, so I'm definitely gonna try to woo her when I start my boy file. Right now I'm taking a break since I've played so much in such a short span of time, haha.

    And good luck finding a game! Mine was actually a reserve for someone and the last one GameStop had, so I felt kind of bad about taking it. But they do seem to be somewhat difficult to find, which is kind of weird.

    And ooh, that sounds fun! I hope you had an awesome time. :)
    Omg sorry I'm rambling about SoS. I just really love Harvest Moon haha. Also, have you looked into the True Love editions of MFoMT and FoMT? I'm hoping to give the girls' version a try once I get a computer.

    Anyway, have you done anything exciting or cool lately?
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