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  • Teaching sounds really fun! A lot of my friends really wanna be teachers, and our school has this class (which I think is sponsored by the Virginia DOE so maybe if you move here your school will have it!) that is kind of like an internship and gives them experience in teaching. Does your state have anything similar to it? Nursing sounds pretty cool too, but I feel like so many nurses don't get the respect they deserve, so idk I did be able to handle it. Hopefully that changes in later years.

    Have you tried volunteering at your animal shelter? I do and it's a lot of fun! I've never gone flying before, but airports do seem like neat people (I went to Dulles, I think, one time when my brother went to Spain). Would you want to be a pilot?
    Yeah, sadly sometimes it's in everyone's best interest for certain relationships to end. I get what you mean! It makes me feel weird knowing all the stuff I did about her (and she was the first person I told about being gay, so she knows stuff about me), but I'm starting to learn I didn't know as much as I thought I did lol. I guess it also feels weird because I really think she was my first love, and I'm still not really over her.

    Wow that was corny haha sorry.

    And the school I'm going to is pretty big! It's about 20,000 undergrad, I think, so hopefully I'll find some friends there. :) And good luck! I'm sure you'll find someplace you fit in, and everyone says that in the first few weeks everyone's really nervous and looking to make friends, so even if you are scared, you definitely won't be the only person.
    And I do still want to be a vet, but I'm interested in a lot of stuff, so if that doesn't work out or I lose interest in it, I'll hopefully have other things to turn to. Is there anything in particular you're thinking about doing?
    There's nothing wrong with that! Tbh I feel a little uneasy about some things, but I feel like everything will probably work out for the best. And that's not lame at all! I still feel kind of lost without my old best friend, but I should really move on at this point because she hasn't really treated anyone right for awhile now, it seems. I hope everything works out for you! You're a really sweet person and you deserve good things.

    I feel you on starting over. It's gonna be harder for me since I'm going to a school in the town I live in, and so are some of my friends, but I probably won't hang out with one of them and the other one and I have some opposing viewpoints, so I dunno how long our friendship will last. I'm sure you'll do great making friends! Are you thinking about going to school? If you do, you should just try to get involved with stuff that interests you so you can meet people with similar interests.
    I was reading on another forum where people were posting about their plans for the future/ what they're already doing, and it got me kind of excited for my own, even if I don't have someone to share that stuff with yet. It's a nice change of pace because earlier I was kind of nervous about everything.
    Oh wow, it sounds like you guys have a lot of neat stuff! We just have art (I through IV, then two AP classes), ceramics, and a class called functional art, I think, which sounds like it'd be close to the jewelry class you were talking about, mixed with some other things. A class on jewelry making would be really cool to take! That really sucks that no one likes the teacher, though. I know there's one art teacher who comes across as kind of standoffish until you get to know her, and then her students really love her, but I guess that's not the case with yours.

    I'm sorry your year didn't go very well! I hope you have a nice summer, though. Have you started thinking about what you're doing after school (lol sorry, you're going to be getting that question a lot soon)? And I'm kind of excited for summer, but I'm more excited for school in the fall and I guess the future.
    Oh wow, that sucks about the teacher. Does your school differentiate between art classes like that a lot (like painting, ceramics, etc.)? The most we have is a separate class for ceramics, which I really wanted to take, but I had to drop it to take physics. I think I'm going to take ceramics at our rec center or at the local community college, though, so that should be fun! Do you like to do art stuff?

    Oh god, that's awful. People at my school openly sell those brownies (like they come into class to trade them off for money), but I don't think anybody's ever brought them to a dance or anything.

    Yeah, our official last day for seniors is June first, but the last day I'm really doing anything is May 28th, so I may just skip out on that Friday and the Monday after. Definitely skipping that Monday, but I may do my chem labs a little late and have to turn them in on Friday, which is fine. Are you excited for school to get out?
    Oh, marketing sounds fun! Are you interested in business or anything? We have fashion marketing at my school, which I guess is basically like your class, but they focus on fashion and do cool projects, like documenting fashion trends throughout the decades.

    Yeah, I totally get what you mean. I didn't go last year, but I'm glad I didn't go this year because someone was going around spiking people's drinks, and a lot of people got really sick. It also turns out that most of the people I would've hung out with went home early anyway, so all's well that ends well, I guess haha.

    Sorry I've been kind of absent, I've had projects to do, but I hope you've been well!
    Good luck with Iris! Waiting for Elise sounds like it's going to be a pain, so I'll probably just not haha.

    And yeah, it was kind of for graduation. The good thing is that it's over and done with now. I think I've gotten better at speaking in front of people I don't know because I did journalism this year, but it still doesn't exactly thrill me.

    Have you guys had your prom yet? Did you go? Ours was last night and I wound up not going, and I was fine with it until this morning, and now I feel lame for not going. But I know if I had gone I wouldn't have enjoyed myself, so I guess I'm just being silly and indecisive.
    I probably will just to speed up the process of viewing her heart events, if I hold out until then haha.

    It's okay, I hope you do well on yours too! I hope you feel better, though. And my week was okay too. On Friday I had to go this banquet thing and speak, so I was kind of stressed, but I was really glad once it was over. I don't like talking in front of a lot of people, so I'm not looking forward to taking a speech class next year. :s
    Yeah, I was going to see her really early in the morning because I also go to see Lillie and Angela then (and it seems like she eats breakfast later in the summer?), but it kept me away from my crops longer than I wanted to be and made my days longer than I wanted them to be, so I stopped. And idk if you know this, but her favorite gift is borscht (it was available in Winter of my first year in my last file), and it takes tomatoes and onions, among other things, so you could start stockpiling those if you'd like!

    I've also been not really talking to Elise because I know I don't have anything to give her yet, and I won't even be able to see her heart events until Winter of year 2, anyway. The good thing is that her favorite gift, which I think is chocolate fondue, is fairly easy to make because you can get a seed for the cacao tree from the harvest goddess after you give her 75 gifts, if you'd like to go that route.
    Iris is so hard to give gifts to that I've basically given up. If I ever decide I want to marry her, I'll give her the ring myself instead of waiting for her to confess. Agate comes in Fall year one, and Licorice comes in Summer year two! I'm almost over with Summer, so I'm excited for Agate to come. Where are you at?

    I'm actually super procrastinating on my projects, so I'm gonna have to hit the books really hard tomorrow. I hope you've been well! How was your week?
    And I totally get the homework thing, too-- I have two projects in chem, two more in English, and one in calc, and I haven't really started any yet ugh. Now that exams are over I'm definitely gonna get on them, though, and good luck to you on your homework!

    Good luck on your finals as well! I only have the one in econ, which is actually like a certification test to say that were financially literate, so hopefully it won't be too hard. If you need any help studying (maybe more so for chem; trig was only ever a part of my geometry and pre-calc classes), I'd totally be willing to help!
    Both of those are really cute names, especially Peaches! I kind of like different names for animals, as long as they're not too out there, you know? And omg, I named my cat "Skitty" when I was eight, so I feel you haha. It's actually a good name for her, and it was much better than the one I named her for like a day (Ribbon because she's a tabby, but that name sucked).

    Thanks! I feel better now, and I guess it's been going through school, since a couple people seemed sick today, too. And omg, what do you think of SoS? I started my "boy" file a couple days ago and have already gotten through the purple flower events for all the available girls (minus Elise, but I guess she's not technically available yet). I'm really waiting for Agate and Licorice, but all the girls seem great, and I think I'll have a hard time choosing. :/
    Omg yay I'm so glad haha. A lot of people don't seem to keen on pits, which I get because some have had genuinely bad experiences with dogs and maybe pits in particular, but then others who have never even met one just seem to listen to the generalizations and claim that all of them are bad. But uh, the plott hound/lab mix is named Thor, and Zoey is our pit bull. :) We got both of them from a shelter and I don't think either came from very good places (Zoey was in the shelter twice and I think it really messed her up), but they're very sweet dogs. I think Zoey's probably the sweetest dog we've ever had, actually. What are your dogs' names?

    Sorry I didn't respond (also that this message is kind of lame lol) earlier, but I got pretty sick yesterday and am still feeling kind of gross. How are you? And I hope you have a good week! Do you have to take any finals this year?
    And yeah, we've been to Tennessee before. They're really pretty, but there isn't a whole lot to do in that area, so I didn't enjoy it a whole lot. We also live really close to the mountains, so I guess being there didn't strike me as much as it would someone who didn't live near mountains, you know?

    And thanks! I hope you have a good summer too, and a nice weekend. :)
    One of my dogs was called a pitbull/ lab mix by the shelter we got him from, but I think he's definitely a plott hound/ lab mix. I guess the owner just wasn't sure? Our other dog is definitely a pitbull though because she looks like so many of the pitbulls I've seen haha.

    German shepherds are so pretty! Growing up we had a dachshund and then a cocker spaniel, so these two are our first bigger dogs, but I think it's safe to say that I'd like to have a big dog from now on. I really like bull terriers, too.

    I hope you get a chance to get closer to your brother! I'm glad that my brother and I are close, even if we do fight sometimes, and I'm sure that's a normal part of sibling relationships, so I think you probably will be able to get closer to your brother this summer. And that's cool! I've never been to Texas, but my parents lived there for awhile when they first got married, and I had a friend from there when I was in middle school. I hope you have fun. o:
    That sounds like a lot of fun! I've never been to a wedding haha. Are you and your brother pretty close, then? And have you been to Texas before? Do you like it?

    I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, other than orientation and band camp for my college. We're thinking of going on vacation, but my mom isn't sure if we're going to the beach or Tennessee yet. I'd really rather go to the beach than the mountains, but I guess it'll be nice to get away either way.

    And I don't think you ramble haha, so don't worry about it.
    Oh, nice! NOVA's like the most populous part of Virginia, so you should have no trouble finding cool stuff to do if you live there. I hope wherever you move you're happy there!

    Omg, good luck with your textbooks haha. I'm sure your school will be happy to get them back either way, but it sucks that you have to replace one because of your dog. Luckily my dogs are out of the eating stuff phase, but I had to replace a fair amount of school materials before they got out of it lol. What type of dog do you have?

    I'm thinking the reason no one knows when we get out is because we have a new principal this year, and she's really been restricting senior privileges and the like. Someone today told me that she doesn't want to let us out a week early, but tbh I don't think anyone will show up anyway, regardless of what she decides.
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