Oh wow, that sucks about the teacher. Does your school differentiate between art classes like that a lot (like painting, ceramics, etc.)? The most we have is a separate class for ceramics, which I really wanted to take, but I had to drop it to take physics. I think I'm going to take ceramics at our rec center or at the local community college, though, so that should be fun! Do you like to do art stuff?
Oh god, that's awful. People at my school openly sell those brownies (like they come into class to trade them off for money), but I don't think anybody's ever brought them to a dance or anything.
Yeah, our official last day for seniors is June first, but the last day I'm really doing anything is May 28th, so I may just skip out on that Friday and the Monday after. Definitely skipping that Monday, but I may do my chem labs a little late and have to turn them in on Friday, which is fine. Are you excited for school to get out?