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  • Ah, I've never played any of the RF games, except for a little bit of the first when my friend got it (way back whenever that was haha). I'd really like to play them, but something about the art of the characters (I think it's mainly the bachelors/ bachelorettes because the other NPCs look fine) throws me off. A lot of people on gameFAQS seem to really like them, though, so I may give it a go sometime.

    And yeah, I get you. Usually there's at least one bachelor that I don't mind, but I usually really like most of the bachelorettes. The bachelor I chose is really sweet, and I'm determined to see it through now that I've sunk like 48 hours in it, but I'm definitely playing as a boy whenever I replay it. I actually have a crazy huge crush on Agate right now, but I'm also interested in Licorice because she was in ToTT, so idk who I'll go for haha. The nice thing is that they both come later on, so it'll give me time to get to know the others and then before I make a decision.
    Yeah, I really like it! The newest HM game I've played is Tale of Two Towns, which was pretty disappointing; SoS is much better IMO. It feels like some of the older games but has enough new features that it doesn't feel stagnant. I kind of regret playing as a girl, though, because the bachelor I was going for based on a random snippet of dialogue turned out not to be very great. I found another one who's better, but I feel like I should've just started as a boy since I would've enjoyed the dating scene much more.

    But uh, yeah, I'd recommend it if you've liked HM games in the past! If not, if you like farming sims that have dating elements, you'd probably enjoy it.
    I changed my signature and since you're the only other Office fan I know of on here, I thought of you the whole time and had to tell you. <3
    Sorry, sorry! I'm so behind on my VMs, lol...

    I'm not sure what season we're up to on my end. I can't even remember the last one we all watched because we've been watching them nonstop for hours on end, lol. I know my favorite one lately has to be the one where Stanley has his heart attack and they have the safety course with Dwight gutting the CPR dummy.

    How was your spring break? :D

    I've been okay. Just getting through some things.

    Are you going to do the Egg Hunt this year?
    Aw! Thank you! I've been rewatching the whole series and I just needed to bring back the love of Pam&Jim, lol.

    How are you? We haven't talked in ages, lol. I keep disappearing.
    Yes! I know a few schools here don't offer it either. People consider it to be a "soft subject" because it's not very "difficult", but it is a lot of hard work to be honest! It's really not what a lot of people vision it to be like. At least, that's what I think. I certainly find it challenging at times! >>

    Awww, yes you definitely should, I'm certainly enjoying it so far, although I think I'm probably halfway/over halfway through the game! Oh yes, Cordelia was super cool too! ^^ She's one of my strongest characters. And yes, Stahl is so sweet. :'3 I love him! xD

    Also I'm so sorry! I didn't realise who it was adding me earlier on (I was on mobile, and mobile Skype is weird), so I rejected the request, although I've added you now! xD Sorry about that ^^
    Yes, it's hard to tell really, unless you managed to draw out a design and then try to draw it on your own skin just to get a rough idea (and even then that's not the same)! Plus, some people just do suit them, and other people don't! ^^ Yeah yeah, it was so nice. So simple, but so pretty! :3 I like things like that.

    Yes, you're right! ^^ And yeah, I mean I especially feel that way because I know what it's like having to deal with teachers who just aren't very good at their job and make every lesson so boring and monotonous. :\ And they aren't supportive. SO I guess I'd like to just be the opposite of that, really. There is really nothing worse, after all! And thank you! n_n I'm sure things will work out in the end, it just might take a little while to work it all out.
    Ahh yes, it's all so confusing ;_; Hehehe

    Oooh that's cool! :3 I guess it just depends on how you learn, really. Some people are visual learners so can use videos to learn, others just use audio, others can just write. :) So it always best to stick to what you find easiest. Also, some tutors aren't always that great, so it's best to find one that is actually helpful! :x And yes definitely. Even in such boring subjects. It's safe to say I've slept through entire classes before and woken up at the end to find the people I sit next to with full pages of notes, and I've only written the title and date! :x
    Aaahh really? o: I'm playing through it all now! Maribelle is so adorable. xD It confused me how she wasn't a princess. She had some severe princess complex going on, but I love it. :'3 I tend to love the princess characters in everything. She's like a snooty, snobby version of Princess Peach. xD I wish I could have married her, but since you can only have straight couples in the game, I just married Stahl (who is JUST as adorable anyway)!!

    Okay! :3 Well my Skype is "Celestefey" (same as my username on here), so just add me whenever! ^^ It might be a bit easier! :)
    Awww, well I enjoy media, it's just my teacher is not very helpful or good at all, so she is sort of ruining the subject for me. But I really enjoy the lessons I have with my other media teacher. She's really nice and she's helpful, and we always have like interesting discussions and do interesting things. :3 Like last lesson we were researching into how the music industry worked, and we had to make presentations on each area of it, so I looked at how music is distributed. It's really interesting to see how things have changed so rapidly in the past few years due to the improvements in technology. It's hard to remember there was a time where we just used to rely on CDs or cassettes and stuff. :'3 It's just a uniquely creative subject, so yeah, if you enjoy creative things, I'm sure you'd like it!
    That sounds good. :3 I think the best thing to do is just play to your strengths. Even if you're not 100% sure about what you want to do in the future, as long as you study something you know you enjoy and would like to get a job in, then you can't go wrong. ^^ I'd also like to be a teacher myself, and teach Japanese. I wouldn't mind teaching younger children and also implementing Japanese as a second language lesson (a lot of primary schools here want kids to learn new languages, and I know a lot of private schools teach Japanese!). That's really my main goal. c: I would hope though that if I were a teacher that I'd be a good one, and one that inspired students to want to learn about the subject, and not just become bored with it. ^^ And anyway, I wish you luck on looking around universities and such! ;; It's gonna be difficult I think but we'll both figure something out in the end!
    Oooh well I'm clearing out my room at the moment so I'll probably come across my old Japanese folder soon enough, so I should take a picture of one of my good essays I wrote.. :'3 My essays weren't really about anything amazing. Like I think one good one I wrote was a letter inviting a friend to come to a ballet show with me. xD But even so, it looks really pretty~! I saw a girl a while ago who had like Japanese calligraphy tattooed on her forearm, and it was like a little sentence, but all done in traditional calligraphy. I'm not really keen on tattoos usually but it looked so beautiful! I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo myself, but if I did I'd have a sentence or something written in Japanese, like something symbolic to me. c: And yeah, I learned German for 5 years but I don't do it anymore. It was quite complicated, but I feel like the culture and the general stuff we learned didn't interest me as much.
    Yes you are right, we're all different, but I think it's important being able to teach yourself, 'cause you understand things more deeply and properly that way, and that way it's fully gone into your brain. x3 Oh yes, maths is difficult though! D: I always struggled with it too. I ended up being tutored once every 2 weeks for like 3 years since I really struggled with it. It wasn't fun at all, but it definitely helped me out. Although, being able to teach yourself is probably much cheaper, having a tutor there is helpful because you can ask questions. :) Lol what is it with all these pyromaniacs... xD Who allowed them to teach?! But maybe the crazy teachers (crazy but in a good way) are the best teachers? Who knows!
    Sorry for the late reply! I stayed over a friend's house last night, so I've only just gotten back home. :3 I hope you're having a nice weekend too!

    Yeah, I think it's definitely a big decision to make if you choose to study it at university. I mean, even if you don't "major" in it (I'm not too familiar with how the American college/university system goes x3), you can still carry on with it on the side, rather than solely focusing on that. Like just doing it for fun, like you said! :3 I think it'd be great. :D It certainly sounds interesting to me, too.
    Awww, that's so silly. ;; Peaches is still cute, but Peach is obviously better! :3 You have a princess dog! And yeah, he is definitely saying no to Peach, but then I suggested Maribelle because of the character in Fire Emblem (she's my favourite), and he said "maybe". xD I think it's great to have a pretentious sounding name for a cat, because they're usually so snooty and grumpy. :'3 But we said we wanted to call the cat "Karl" if it were a boy, because it's named after one of our favourite celebrities/comedians (if you can call him that... x3), because he's so grumpy! Hopefully I can convince him! :$

    Anyway that's alright! If there's an easier way you want to talk (like through Skype or something), then that's fine by me~ Also I'm so sorry this reply was so long. ;_; I-I'm kind of a chatterbox at times!
    Well, I'm very happy now because my media project turned out okay in the end! It was due in on Monday, so I was sitting in the Mac suite throughout my double period of Media and my lunch time just editing my work and making it look all good. Then it was up on YouTube by the beginning of lunch time, so then I just emailed it to my teacher. So glad I got it done in time! I never thought it'd be done in time. I thought it looked a bit bad though because it didn't look exactly how I wanted it to, but it turns out my teacher loves it! We had to make like an opening to our own film, so we had to film it, edit it, add sound, etc. She likes all of the camera work and stuff, but now we just have to improve our sound, which isn't too bad, so I'm feeling much better about it now, knowing that it's all okay. :3 I'm just so pleased. Feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!
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