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  • That's okay! I hope you've been well during that time. :3

    And oooh yay that's awesome! I was sure they'd probably have it available to buy from some US store, but yeah, it's super cute, and it's not too small either (since sometimes when you buy like a plush/figure online, they will often be smaller than you expected)! Like, the plush is just really good quality and just so so adorable and ahh, it always just makes me smile whenever I look at it. :x And yeah, you'll be able to find it on Amazon too. :3 Oooh that sounds really cool! And so weird. I wonder how it works. ^^ Do you enjoy science then?
    Yes yes, it is. :( And no, I've only ever moved house once. My parents split up, so I moved in with my mum (but it's good because whenever I go to my dad's house I get to go to my old house ^^), but now my mum is moving again to just a bigger house because we only live in a maisonette (a house with only one storey (someone lives below us, too ^^)), so yeah. It's a nice new house though, and it's right next to a big park, so I keep saying to my mum we should get a dog so then we can go on walks around the park. She keeps saying she'll think about it, and I know she does want one too, but ahhhhh! ;w; I'd really love just a little puppy. xD They make such great company after all! ;_; I'll have to keep trying... //
    Awwww hahaha yes yes, and you can sometimes ping really high in the air if someone jumps suddenly and you jump just after them! xD I love that. But yeah it's good she has a net, because I remember once I jumped backwards and landed on my back on the grass. Thankfully the garden was pretty overgrown so it was a soft landing, but... If it wasn't... Dx Hehe. I remember I used to play a game with my friends a lot whenever they came over, and it was called like "splat the egg" or something, and you had to stay all tucked in a ball, whilst the other people had to bounce and try to make you untuck from the ball... To be honest, it was really hard to be the egg, and I always laugh quite a lot, so often I'd end up untucking just from laughing. :') It's a fun game, though, so you should try it next time (unless you've already played it). xD It's so stupid but funny anyways. Makes me wish I had a trampoline still! :3
    Yes! I always play as Peach! Sometimes I play as Toad too, because he's pretty cute, and I've started to grow more fond of him after playing Captain Toad. ^^ I think Peach's floating jump also helps too, since I used to have trouble with depth perception in 3D World, but I got used to it after a while. :3 Anyway yay that's awesome! I hope you can get her! They also have Toad, Luigi, and Mario ones too (as well as Rosalina, I think). What science toys did you want? o:

    Yeah see it's just really down to what you're used to. :p I used to love snow days when I was younger, I used to go out and play in the snow all day and go sledding with my family. ^^ But yeah, we rarely ever get snow! And cloudy days can be nice when you're snuggled in bed all warm wearing pyjamas whilst reading or playing a game or something, but it's almost always a cloudy day here, so I get bored of it pretty fast. We should swap to be honest! xD I want more sun and more snow. :) And you want more cloud and less snow!
    Oh, well, I'm sorry you didn't sleep very well last night. I hope you sleep better tonight, and that whatever's bothering you gets better.
    Sorry I didn't keep you any company last night! I wound up sleeping pretty crappily myself, but I hope you had a nice night. :)

    Anyway, I hope you have a good rest of your weekend and a nice week.
    We did have some snow, and it settled, but it was a very thin layer. I quite like having the snow, though, since it's such a rare event! Although, I guess if you are so used to it, you don't tend to enjoy it so much... :(

    Yeah, better to use your friend's one then hehe! :'3 But if you both go on it at the same time I guess you are more likely to bounce into each other and stuff. It's much more fun though to go on it together though, 'cause you can jump higher and stuff, and play stupid games. xD Makes me wish I had a trampoline again! :3 And yeah yeah it is, but I hate having to get used to a new house, it just feels like you're staying in a hotel for like a month or two because it just doesn't feel like your home. c: But yeah, I'm looking forward to making it all peachy and pink :x
    Yeah yeah, they're really cute! :3 It's very Japanese or "kawaii" - that's really the only way I can describe it! And yeah, she's the best! Do you play as her in 3D World, then? c: Also in case you wanted to know where I got the plush from, it's from Amazon - I'm not sure if it'll be available on the American Amazon but I am sure you can find one. It was quite expensive, though (like £20, but it had to be shipped over here and stuff)! My dad just got it through my wishlist on Amazon, so. xD

    Oooh, wow you're very very lucky! ;w; I wish we got snow here. England is pretty crappy for snow so... At least where I live. :x I live in the south eastern corner, so the weather is pretty mild and dreary, and since our coasts face towards Europe, we don't really get strong winds or anything. ;;
    Ooooh that sounds cool. :3 And oh no, no I'm so done with the cold now. xD It needs to go. Have you had any snow? I haven't been on a trampoline in ages. We used to have one in the back garden but it slowly and surely started to deteriorate and it just was like a death trap to be honest, like it had holes in it and everything, so we had to get rid of it! Anyway I hope you have fun! As for me, I went looking for paint for my new room since I'm moving house (again) soon, which was fun. It gave me a lot of ideas for my new room. I'm kind of planning to have one wall painted a light pink with a sparkly coat over it, and then I'm going to have these pretty ballerina prints on it that I found, as well as some like light furniture and pretty ornaments and stuff. :3
    Yeah exactly. x3 They are all pretty much the same. And yes, people say that Galaxy is definitely the best Mario game ever (the first one, that is). I think the second one is good but it lost the atmosphere the original Galaxy had because it had a different "home world" I guess. But yeah, the Galaxy games are super fun. And it is! Mario games are so cute. xD I especially love the cat power up they added in, I think it's so adorable. I actually have a little cat Peach plush - my dad bought it for me for Christmas. ^^ When I opened it I was so so so happy! xD she's sooo cute and she's even cuter in cat form, just like the other characters.
    World 5 is easily the best, I dunno, it just has the best levels in my opinion, and even the little world map music it has is cool. It's like a cute little pastel magical underwater world. ;w; Love it!

    Yep! I'll be sure to tell you what I think of it. :D And thank you, it's been good so far, surprisingly! Have you got any plans for the weekend? :3
    Yeah, I can't honestly tell the difference between New Super Mario Bros, ALL New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros U, etc etc. I mean... Other than they are different games and released on different consoles, they are just the same with the same old levels/worlds/etc. I know some people who like that "old school" Mario platforming feel, but sometimes you just need to move on and freshen up. But yeah, definitely give more of the 3D ones a shot. ^^ A lot of Mario platformers start out easy and get pretty hard, but I think you will get used to them pretty quickly anyway. Plus, it's fun to just explore anyway. I remember when I first played Sunshine, I didn't go through each level and get each shine sprite, I used to just run around and explore. :p
    Hi! I'm sorry for my late reply! I went back to school so I've been busy these past few days, as well as getting back to ballet rehearsals!

    And yeah yeah, I understand what you mean. I think there are definitely some good Mario platformers out there - maybe not so much for the 2D platformers since they grew a bit repetitive, but there are definitely some great 3D platformers (like 3D World, Sunshine, Galaxy). I prefer the 3D platformers I think because they just have a more adventurous aspect to them, but the 2D platformers are more just "go to the goal!" and you can't explore as much. And that's fair enough. ^^ Yes it does get quite hard at the end, so good luck! Also, world 5 is my favourite world. Sunshine Seaside... <33

    Oooh yay that's great! I really can't wait to try it out, then. Since it's the weekend now I really ought to give it a go. :) I never played Dynasty Warriors and never knew much about it, actually, so I guess this is a whole new experience for me!
    It's totally fine haha! It actually took me awhile to finally decide to stop responding enthusiastically to her whenever she decided to talk to me, so I'm not super cool or anything haha. But yeah, I get what you mean about friends. I feel like most of the people in my grade that I'm friends with don't care a whole lot about me. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just a bad friend or what, and that it's just being reflected back to me, but I guess I have a new chance to try again once I start college.

    Anyway, I'm glad I could help somehow. :) I hope she's not too rude to you from now on, and you can always tell me if you just want to rant or something. I don't mind!
    Anyway idk if my dumb story helped or made any sense, but I hope you're okay. You can always vent to me if you need. :)

    And wow, this was long, sorry!
    It was confirmed they were dating, I tried to be cool about it, but she continued pushing me away, even after we talked about it. I've kind of reached the point where I'm happy she's happy after everything that's happened to her, but I'm also not gonna put up with the way she treats me.

    Anyway, the point of this was for me to say that you may realize you guys aren't even that compatible, the way I did. I thought we were pretty close friends, but I'm starting to think I imagined that, since she only seems to talk to me when her girlfriend isn't around. I don't think we even have a whole lot in common other than sense of humor and music taste, and she does things I don't exactly agree with, so a relationship between us probably wouldn't have been great. I started to think I only liked her because I knew she was gay, and I was lonely (that sounds really sad, doesn't it?), but I think I genuinely liked her from what I knew of her, or until she changed.
    Once I started typing I figured I should maybe VM you haha.

    Omg don't feel bad for the length!

    I had (maybe still have?) a crush on this girl since tenth grade, and I thought maybe we might get together when we started getting kinda close over band camp. She was a lot more open with me than she was with our other friends ( she was having a bad time because her mom passed away over the summer), but then she and our straight friend got really close and it became kind of a mess because that friend comes across as kind of bi-curious in the way she interacts with each other, and I was pretty sure my crush liked her, and I got jealous. And then I felt bad because of what happened to her mom, so I tried to chill.

    They kind of grew apart, and then I started realizing my crush liked a different sophomore and that they were probably dating, and I felt jealous again.
    Wow really? o: I grew up playing Mario games, so I've always been a massive fan! Of course, no matter who you are or whether you're good or bad at games, everyone can enjoy a good old Mario game.. :) And yeah, 3D World is quite easy, but then gets infuriatingly difficult at the end. I sort of got bored of Mario platformers because they just started getting a bit repetitive, but 3D World had a plethora of levels, like Puffrod Peaks and Double Cherry Pass - all unique and had their own "gimmick" in some sort of way. But yeah, you'd definitely enjoy Captain Toad, especially if you liked 3D World, because as I said, it's like each little "puzzle" is based off of a 3D world level in some way. Yeah, HW was certainly unexpected, but I think it's definitely a unique take on the series, and I quite enjoying "fighting" games, although I'm not any good at them either! And that's alright, don't worry. I can be pretty slow at replying at times too!
    Border Collie lover unite! I have a 3 year old Collie called Poppy. She is my baby! Gorgeous breed and lovely temperment.
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