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  • Ohhh no, she drew over it in pen? :\\\ Sheesh! What kind of an art teacher is she? :x My teacher always used to moan at us, telling us to draw everything in pencil first, after all! :X Clearly not setting a good example! That sucks though... I do remember my old art teacher did the exact same thing to me though. She liked my art, but whenever she wanted to make changes to it, she'd draw over it in pencil and basically just completely change it... xD
    Oh yes definitely try to learn it if you ever get the chance to! It's so rare you will ever get the opportunity to study it, so if you do get the chance, then take it! I think European languages though are very very different to Japanese. Although, it does help to understand how different languages are structured and work because you can apply that skill to other languages. I enjoy writing all the characters, actually. I think it looks so beautiful on paper. :3 And yes, I hope so too. ;; I would hate it if I got to university and then ended up realising Japanese isn't as fun as it used to be and I didn't enjoy it anymore so I wasted a lot of money studying something I didn't want to do. ;; Although, I best start deciding soon since I start looking around universities this year. It's hard to ever know what you want to do in the future, though. Do you have any idea yourself?
    Yeah, I think it's good if you're able to teach yourself so that way you really and truly understand it. Sometimes teachers phrase things weirdly or don't really expand on certain points or offer much help like you said, so I think it's really great that you are able to teach yourself. :3 And usually if you are stuck on something and you ask one of those teachers, they probably don't know either. :x I do know one of my teachers is like that now, actually. He's really awkward. :\ And yeah, I was so happy with a B, especially since I thought I'd fail all of my sciences! :x Lol, yeah you gotta be careful! Science teachers are usually maniacs. I remember my old old Chemistry teacher used to love making explosions with chemicals and stuff, she was sort of a pyromaniac actually... She was really weird but she was a good teacher anyway. :') There's no fun if it's gonna be safe, anyway! :x
    Yes, it certainly would be tough, but you could always end up specialising in one particular area of oceanology, since if it's so vast, most people would probably only want to study certain areas over others. You could probably take it when you go to university/college, or if not, you could take online classes or special classes out of school time or something at en education center. That'd be really cool if you did that. ^^ Do you research much into it? And yes yes, I think it's only natural to be afraid of the unknown, and I mean, there's no knowing what kind of freaky stuff would be down there, but I guess maybe someday we'll find out. :3 And I'd love to know, too!
    Oh, and I forgot to say that I might not respond immediately, but that'll be cos I'm on a 3ds, the browser can't have multiple tabs and I'll be on TVTropes but check TBT every now and again. :p
    Mind PMing me when you're online. I could use someone to talk to tbh, only if you don't mind of course.
    Yeah, it might make me sound silly, but it's really not fun having to deal with a grumpy teacher who chooses not to listen, and then only having your other nice teacher listen to you and cooperate with you. My parents are defending me though (as well as me trying my best) because they know I'm working really hard and putting extra hours into this project, so it would be bad if it just all went to waste, after all. But anyways! ;w; Peaches?! That's such an adorable name! Reminds me of Princess Peach. And yeah, they really do! They're just sooo adorable. ;-; Whenever I see them whilst I'm out and about I just get the urge to go up to them and give them a big hug! But my mum said we're going to adopt a cat from a shelter when we move house anyway, so now I'm trying to think up a good name to give him/her. :3 I said I wanted to call the cat "Peach" if it was a girl, but my brother was adamant we wouldn't. I'll have to find a way to convince him, or think up an equally cute name!
    Yeah yeah, it is difficult. :( And teachers begin to pressure you and all the homework piles on top of you and ah, it's like a nightmare. But anyway, we can get through it if we carry on trying our best, and at the end of it, we have a nice summer holiday to look forward to. ^-^ And thank you very much! I'm hoping so too, but I'm having trouble keeping up with some Media coursework at the moment, so I'm missing deadlines and stuff. We're supposed to be doing it in a group project, but there's only 2 of us doing it, and I'm pretty much the only person doing the work. It's so difficult, too, and it's making me cry at points. Dx
    Aww well you are lucky to have had nice teachers, but you're right, I just don't get why teachers will restrict you from doing what you want. It defeats the whole point of the subject! The point of art IS to be creative and express yourself through an artistic medium... So not being able to do that... Is... Well, stupid! And yeah, but those logical people usually end up struggling in "creative" subjects! I mean, we all have our strengths and flaws, after all. <:
    Well that's what everyone says! But I personally find Japanese to be much easier than any other language I've learned. I think it's very logical in its sentence patterns and structures and etc, much more than like German or French. I dunno, I can't really explain why, but once you get over the difficulty of learning the characters and such, it's so easy to follow and learn. At least, that's what I think. If you enjoy learning it and find languages easy, then you'd have no reason to worry. And yes, I did study it at school, but unfortunately due to certain circumstances (it's a very long story xD), I wasn't able to continue with it this year. :\ But I'm hoping to resume my studies again in university. ^^
    Yeah, we spent most of our time just copying off a powerpoint our teacher showed to us. She wasn't a good teacher either. I mean, she was only young, and relatively new to teaching, but still. :\ I had to teach myself when it came to revising for the exam, really. x3 I somehow managed to get a B at the end of it, so I'm glad I never have to do it again. And yeah, you never know what can happen! ;; Although I doubt anything really dangerous could happen since I'm sure schools wouldn't allow it to potentially happen, but still... :x I don't blame you for being nervous hehe. ^^
    Thank you! :3 I'm really looking forward to it! ^-^ I just wish it was this weekend, but now I at least have an incentive to get through this week!

    Wow, that sounds really interesting! :3 It's like a mix of biology and geography. And stuff I've never really learned about, either! I guess it's sort of something you would have to study when you go to university/college, or in your own time, since it's something so "specialised". The ocean is so mysterious and vast, after all, and we don't really know much about it at all. A lot of it is completely unexplored, I mean we can only dive so deep underwater. It makes me wonder what else could be hiding at the bottom of the ocean. Probably some creepy looking stuff, and sometimes the thought of how vast the ocean is can frighten me, but still, it's cool to think about.
    Yes yes, it is. ^^ And like I said, it makes the walk to school less depressing, and it's easier to get out of bed. Waking up when it's dark and gloomy on a school morning is really depressing. ;~; Yeah yeah, I will do! c: And hopefully I won't fall off!

    Yeah, although I am looking forward to moving, I just have so much going on at school at the moment, and I have exams after Easter and just ughhh. x3 I don't know how I will get through this, but I will somehow make it. :3 And ahhh, golden retrievers are adorable, too! They're just like fluffier and hairier versions of labradors. And they always look like their smiling! ^-^ What's she called?
    And when we did do experiments, my friends used to mess about and try to make things go all wrong on purpose (in the hopes of making some big reaction or something) x3

    So yeah, I mean I was good at Science when I was younger, but then when I went to secondary school I found it so difficult and boring that I kind of just switched off and always struggled with it. I have a more creative mind. ^^ I'd say I probably enjoy English the most, actually, and mostly creative writing stuff, as well as Japanese (I enjoy learning languages)! I also used to enjoy Art at school but it was kind of crappy because we were sometimes restricted in what we could do so I never really got to paint or make things that I really wanted, so I prefer having it as a hobby now. c: Maths is difficult for me, too. I think it's just people either are naturally good at it or not, I mean our minds all work differently. So I guess we're quite similar in the subjects we like!
    Yes I have been! I've mostly been busy preparing for my ballet exam next weekend, which I'm really excited for. :3 I remember the last exam I did, I was so nervous I was shaking at the barre, but then after a few minutes I was completely calm. So this time I wanna really make sure I enjoy it and smile, and just really perform and go for it! ^^

    Yeah yeah, it's not massive but it's definitely a decent size! I think besides that though the last plush I got online was an alpaca my mum ordered for me for my birthday, and that one WAS huge (much bigger than I expected), which was always a good thing, but sometimes they can be too small. :( And oooh gosh, oceanography? What's that about? o: It sounds interesting! And ahhh that's cool, we never really did many experiments in Chemistry, which sucked because it meant we mostly had to sit and take notes, and I often used to switch off in those sorts of lessons.
    Yes yes, it's such a lovely house and in such a lovely little place too. :3 I'm looking forward to moving, but it's just so stressful. And I already have lots of things stressing me out at the moment. And I'd love to have a labrador! They're just so kind and gentle and loyal, so they make such great companions. And they're adorable too! :3 My nan had 2 labradors. I used to be a bit scared around dogs, but whenever I was around her two labradors, I felt so calm and relaxed and at ease. The more jumpy dogs tended to frighten me a bit. :x But yeah, that was a silly fear that I'm over now. :x
    Yeah, well let's swap for a couple of months or so! :x That being said though, it's been so lovely and sunny and warm here recently, and when I wake up in the mornings it's actually light outside! So I've really enjoyed being able to walk to school these past few days. ^^ Although, I do really want some more snow, hehe. ;w;

    Ohhh yeah, definitely don't want to fall down on any rocks or anything. D: Although, I think the house we are moving to has a trampoline in the garden, and the lady who currently lives there says we can have it. ^^ So yay! // I haven't been on a trampoline in a couple of years now hehe. :x
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