10th villager question


Aug 21, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Hey everyone
My tenth villager moved out yesterday. I want to use the reset trick to control where my villagers live. To my understanding the 10th villager can only be from the campsite, wifi or streetpass. If I turn off street pass and wifi will I avoid any nasty surprises? I dont want to have to create a new character everytime I play!
Yep. You won't get anyone from elsewhere if it's off. However, to do the reset trick, you HAVE to make a new character. You don't save until you get someone you want, which can take a while, depending on how lucky you are. Also, keep in mind the games tries to keep the number of each personality even (more or less), so that'll narrow down the kinds of villagers that can pop up in the campsite.
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Yes, by disabling street pass and not connecting to other players you will completely eliminate the chance of randoms moving in.
Also, to my understanding you can still connect with other people when they come to your town, as villagers only move to your town when you visit someone else's town.
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Yes, by disabling street pass and not connecting to other players you will completely eliminate the chance of randoms moving in.
Also, to my understanding you can still connect with other people when they come to your town, as villagers only move to your town when you visit someone else's town.

This is not true. I had both Vic and Rodney move to my second town because my first town's character visited there. (In particular, I TTed and played 5 different days with Rodney, and just skipped a month ahead on Vic. They still both appeared) Also worth noting if someone is picking up a boxed animal(so you're still technically at 10 animals), if they had a recent move-out that was not claimed, they can still appear in your town. Rodney plopped down in Cat Tree the day after I picked up Kyle for my first game.

As long as you disable streetpass for Animal Crossing and do not use the wifi at all(whether you're going to their town, or you going to theirs), the only possible way to get a move in will be through the campsite.
Oh sorry, Guess I was misinformed about that then.
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Other villagers through wifi can only come to your town if they were sent to the void. It happened to me. >_<
Wait the tenth villager can only be from the campsite?

That's super lame. :( Takes all the mystery out of who's moving in!