2 star events back to back?


Senior Member
May 14, 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Tasty Cake
I didnt kniw it was possiable. But last night I had a mereor shower today Isabella just told me I will have shooting stars tonight. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
this has never happened to me, if only my luck with my weather seed was this good! was it announced yesterday as well or was it a light shower?
That's definitely possible! The heavy (announced) meteor showers are a little rare but there's nothing stopping them from happening right after each other. According to my weather seed predictions, I'll have that happen in December 2023.

There was also a week in November where I had 6 of the lighter, unannounced shooting star days in a row!
That sounds like fantastic luck! I don't doubt that it happens at all. It is just rare. I've gotten lucky enough to have meteor showers up to three times a week, but they were never super heavy ones and were not announced. I wish I remembered the dates. It must have just been a season for meteor showers on my island.
Yeah. It makes me want to try and track my seed tonight using the times. I was suprisws too. I never play at night so the only tine I see shooting stars is when they are announced or someone is hosting. I'll probably host tonight
It happens! I had three heavy showers in the space of four days once:

Screenshot 2021-01-02 at 13.51.56.png
Oh yeah I experienced a lot of them in the spring and summer back to back. I usually miss announcements because I just button mash through them but they are definitely possible.
My island will have 3 heavy meteor showers in a row on September 20-22 in 2024.

It also has 3 in a row on February 17-19 2003.
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Definitely need to get my weather seed, I hear it is easier to do by shooting star times I that true? Any Tips?
I did it the manual way to count the number of shooting stars per minute. Beforehand, on a piece of paper I numbered from 0-30. Each number representing a minute.

When it was time, I raised the volume and settled at a quiet spot on my island. As you would expect, I jotted down every time that a shooting star would appear. You have to keep your eyes on the clock and coordinate your hand to write as you listen.

It’s kind of hard at times since sometimes the shooting stars may appear at a time like 7:59:59 pm and then 8:00:00 pm. If you know how to use a stopwatch, perhaps you can use that for more accurate results.

After that, find a website...I think that I used Meteornooks, and insert the information. If done correctly it’ll give you possible matches. Write the possible weather seed numbers somewhere and observe from then on out.
Definitely need to get my weather seed, I hear it is easier to do by shooting star times I that true? Any Tips?
Recording the exact minute a shooting star appears during a light shower helps to narrow your seed down faster. Just be careful since some shooting stars appear at the end of a minute and you don't want to mess up by putting in the next minute. For heavy showers, it's not worth tracking exact times so just put in the day of the heavy shower. You can also record other rare weather like rainbows and aurora borealis to help. I wouldn't record regular weather as that's easy to mess up and you need a lot of that data to help narrow down your seed.
Do to the way the random weather is generated, it is definitely possible.
Definitely need to get my weather seed, I hear it is easier to do by shooting star times I that true? Any Tips?

There is a lot of good information on Ninji's website. Some things though that isn't mentioned, and very important to know is that

1. adding a new player to the island will interrupt weather patterns for the rest of the day. So the
Weather on that day cannot be used to find the seed.

2. holidays have set weather patterns, and as such, cannot and should not be used to find the seed.

Finding the seed can be easy if you consistently track the weather of each hour during the day. The weather morphs into the next as the hour progresses, so it's best to record the weather at the :05 minute mark of each hour.

The "unsure" options, although slower, are your best friend. So I recommend to use them to avoid all error margins.

Recording the minute shooting stars happen, and even the minutes shooting stars didn't happen can be very helpful in finding the seed. If you can record the seconds they happened, even better.

Be sure to track special weather patterns, like special cloud types, Aurora Borealis, rainbows, double rainbows, etc. These can help narrow down the seed.