3D printed AC figures ^_^


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2014
I found an awesome store on etsy I just wanted to share: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NerdGirlNerdBoy?ref=l2-shopheader-name

They sell custom 3D printed and painted AC figurines ^_^ I don't think they're taking custom orders right now, but there's a few in stock.

I bought a Marina figure from them a while ago, and am waiting on Marshal and Molly ^_^ Just thought I'd share the awesomeness, in case anyone else might be interested. They're very well made and painted.
Those are absolutely adorable.
Ooohhmygosh. Ok.
I'm wondering as to whether I should buy Chrissy or not.
I don't really like the painting finish on them though. It looks like plaster.
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Eh, it's a great idea, I've seen BMO from Adventure time done on a 3D printer on Etsy too but they always look so rough, like not completely smooth surfaces, as if someone hand sculpted them from sculpy and then painted them with matte paint. I've made xmas tree ornaments of characters using sculpy and acrylic paint and this is what it looks like, the difference is that 3D printing is less time-consuming and therefore cheaper.

Maybe I would get one to hang on the xmas tree but I wouldn't display it with my other figures.

I'd rather have those little cell phone charms available in every character.

EDIT: I just looked at their past sales and saw their version of Melba... not impressed :(
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ooh, these look incrediby cute! I wish I had enough money for it and the shipping costs though...