Giveaway 3rd annual St. David's Day giveaway! now with Poetry

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King Dorado

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Aug 4, 2015
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per tradition:

March 1st was St. David's Day, celebrating the patron saint of Wales, and I am Welsh you know, good countryman. (well, i might be; we Americans can never be completely sure where our ancestors came from...).

Anyhow, in an extended celebration of St. David's Day, I'm giving away 2 grand prizes again this year:

1st prize: to the entry i like best (based purely on my subjective personal preference):


a peach collectible!​

(why a peach? bc the author of "James and the Giant Peach" was a Welshman-- lookitup!)

2nd prize: to an entry selected by RNG:

301 tbt!​

(why 301? coz its like, 03/01=March 1st, which is St. David's Day)

You can enter as many times as you'd like, by submitting your new original drawing of anything Welsh in honor of St. David's Day: it can be a daffodil, a leek, the Welsh dragon, a pot of caul, the flag of St. David, whatever. (keep it sincere people: nothing derogatory or bereft of effort will be credited). (as mentioned, must be new and original. so do not simply grab existing lineart templates out there on the internet, please, or entries from prior years). if you have multiple entries, they must be of different subjects.

NEW!!!-- You can also enter by submitting your new original poem with any Welsh subject matter. As with the drawings: "keep it sincere people: nothing derogatory or bereft of effort will be credited." :)

Each drawing or poem = one entry.

St. David's Day was last week, but this will remain open for a week or more likely two weeks as the forums are so slow and folks drop by less frequently now, until whenever I get around to closing it (probably sometime on Palm Sunday, the 25th!) on Easter sunday!

thanks for entering,
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

EDIT this will close sometime on Easter Sunday, April 1st...


1. The Pennifer
2. BambieTheMayor


1st Prize favorite entry Peach winner: The Pennifer!! :D

RNG Prize bells winner: BambieTheMayor :)

Thank you for your entries!!
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Can I write a poem about St. Davids instead?

sure, that's a great idea!

Dylan Thomas was Welsh, you know.

poems incorporating the theme are great, so long as original, and as with the drawings, something that's "sincere and isn't derogatory/bereft of effort"
i'll amend the OP...
Hey you, my buddy ... I’m working on something for you ... hopefully you don’t close this before I get it done .... it’s not really original, but I think you might like it!

And come on, people! Enter this fun giveaway/contest!
I can’t believe there isn’t more entries!
Ok ... here we go ... I took some time this afternoon to draw and put this together ... as you know I?m not feeling well, but this was fun to do ... I want other members to win the prize, so I hope this encourages more entries ... (oh, and because it?s for fun, I snuck Lulu into it all ... she would have bit that thieving Taffy on the bum! Lol)
My dad used to sing this to me, so it?s special to me ... of course song is from a nursery rhyme and I just took inspiration for Taffy the Welshman from an old illustration :rolleyes:

I'm not a Welsh and don't know much about Saint David's Day, but I tried.

The people march around the streets
To celebrate the day
A man they called David
Showed the monks his way

The children sing and play
The people dance and cheer
All for the man named David
The greatest Welsh Saint

They honor a man
Who has a story to be told
Everyone can celebrate
From the young to the old

Next year, won't you celebrate
Come join the parade!
We can all dance and sing
On the great Saint David's Day!

(I'm not a professional poet so I hope it was at least decent, lol)
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Just thought I should post this bit of history, and also reassure my buddy that no insult was intended nor any denigrating of our Welsh ancestry :rolleyes: I would have to apply it to myself as well! Lol
Snipped from a site:
?The rhyme dates back to the late 18th century England, and was first recorded in the Pretty Song Book by Nancy ****, 1780, London.
It used to be a very popular anti-Welsh song sung by English people usually on St. David Day. The name Taffy derives from the common Welsh name ?Dafydd? and it is also related with the ?Taff? river.?
i guess we must be glad the English are so pleasant with us
and we understand them well,
how they come o'er us with our wilder days,
not measuring what use we made of them.
tell you the English we are coming on,
to venge us as we may and to put forth
our rightful hand in a well-hallow'd cause.
and their jest will savour but of shallow wit,
when thousands weep more than did laugh at it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also Bump!
i guess we must be glad the English are so pleasant with us
and we understand them well,
how they come o'er us with our wilder days,
not measuring what use we made of them.
tell you the English we are coming on,
to venge us as we may and to put forth
our rightful hand in a well-hallow'd cause.
and their jest will savour but of shallow wit,
when thousands weep more than did laugh at it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also Bump!

Wel Dywedodd fy ffrind

ok i dood it-- it will be a celebration of St David's Month (not just a mere Day...)

open thru this upcoming Easter Sunday *A*

- - - Post Merge - - -

ok i dood it-- it will be a celebration of St David's Month (not just a mere Day...)

open thru this upcoming Easter Sunday *A*
It's St. David's Day
A time of joy all around
And again I'm waiting.

- - - Post Merge - - -

This is one I thought of using, but RNG poems shouldn't count.

Whose day is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite happy though.
Full of joy like a vivid rainbow,
I watch him laugh. I cry hello.

He gives his day a shake,
And laughs until her belly aches.
The only other sound's the break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.

The day is colorful, green and deep,
But he has promises to keep,
After cake and lots of sleep.
Sweet dreams come to him cheap.

He rises from his gentle bed,
With thoughts of kittens in his head,
He eats his jam with lots of bread.
Ready for the day ahead.

1st Prize favorite entry Peach winner: The Pennifer!! :D

RNG Prize bells winner: BambieTheMayor

Thank you for your entries!!

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