• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

60 Days Until NA Release

What do you look forward to the most?
Uhhmmmmmm... Megaphone, swimming, and bamboo
If you are using paths, what will your design look like?
I like the stony path Mayor Joshy has
How many other towns do you plan on going to over wifi?
Idk. Not a lot
How many other towns do you plan on going to using the dream suite?
Idk. I want to dream a lot so I can get tons of ideas for my town.*
Do you already own a 3ds you plan to play it on? If so, which size and color? If not, what are you wanting to get?
I own a comic black 3DS
What do you look forward to the most? A LOT of things. My favorites being Swimming, Takeout Coffee, Taller Character (now we have separate pants/skirts & shoes :D :D), Kicks' (the shoe shop) and Villager Pictures coming back!

If you are using paths, what will your design look like? I probably won't be using paths because I like to see the natural beauty of the town.

How many other towns do you plan on going to over wifi? A lot of my Bell Tree Friends' towns. Not too many during the first 2 weeks, gonna be focused on getting my own town in order & unlocking the shops then.

How many other towns do you plan on going to using the dream suite? A lot! I really wanna visit Josh's town as well as Lindsey and Kohei's towns. ^.^

Do you already own a 3ds you plan to play it on? If so, which size and color? If not, what are you wanting to get? Yup! Got it about.. two or three weeks ago? Two, I think. I have the regular size and it's Midnight Purple.
What do you look forward to the most?
Seeing what my town looks like, and all of the activities.

If you are using paths, what would your design look like?
For now, I am not planning on using a design for my town, but I may do so in the future.

How many other towns do you plan on going to over WiFi?
My sisters' towns, my friends' towns (if they get the game), and maybe a few towns of other people.

How many other towns do you plan on going to using the dream suite?
Most of them recommended by LinandKo; I am definitely going to visit the "haunted village".

Do you already own a 3DS you plan to play it on? If so, which size and color? If not, what are you wanting to get?
Yes, I own a 3DS. It is the original size and it is pink/black. I am saving for Animal Crossing, so I am not going to be buying another 3DS until mine is completely broken! :)
What do you look forward to the most?
All of the new ways to customize my character. Contacts and QR fashion codes... I'm so *****y over it that I have a whole folder on my computer dedicated to design codes. xD

If you are using paths, what will your design look like?
I've never really been a path type, so I don't think I'll use them. ><

How many other towns do you plan on going to over Wi-Fi?
I was a Wi-Fi fanatic on Wild World, and I'm pretty sure that part of me will be coming back with the introduction of yet another portable AC game. So... a ton of 'em.

How many other towns do you plan on going to using the Dream Suite?
Probably not that many - mainly the really well designed ones.

Do you already own a 3DS you plan to play it on? If so, which size and color? If not, what are you wanting to get?
I have a Flame Red Nintendo 3DS~ c:
2 months to come for me , as it comes out June 14th in Europe. I just can't wait.

What do you look forward to the most?
Really having the game in my hand and turning it on for the first time ever.

If you are using paths, what will your design look like?
I won't use them for sure.

How many other towns do you plan on going to over wi-fi?
I have no idea, it will depend on a couple things, I plan to visit towns from many english speakers countries but I think apart from one friend, I won't have any towns from people around me to visit.

Do you already own a 3DS...?
Yes, a blue 3DS XL which I bought, honestly, especially for that game.
What do you look forward to the most?
More clothes for my characters to wear, the new furniture, and upgrading my patterns.

If you are using paths, what will your design look like?
I got into the pattern game late. If I'm going to have patterns, I'm going to start from day one, but it'll be simple.

How many other towns do you plan on going to over wifi?
At this point, I'm not sure. As many as I'm able to.

How many other towns do you plan on going to using the dream suite?
Again, as many as I can. I've been collecting dream addresses during this time, but I'll probably use the random option to visit other towns. I might visit one dream town a day.

Do you already own a 3ds you plan to play it on? If so, which size and color? If not, what are you wanting to get?
I have the red 3DS XL.
Hey guys! 55 days! We are basically halfway there (from the point of finding out the official release date)!

I'm so ready!
When you put it that way, it seems like it's so close xD

What do you look forward to the most?
The new clothing options, probably.

If you are using paths, what will your design look like?
I never do patterns, but if I do it will probably match whatever I make me little town theme.

How many other towns do you plan on going to over wifi?
Not many. I really don't like playing with others.

How many towns do you plan on going to using the dream suite?
As many as I can.

Do you already own a 3DS you plan to play it on? If so, which size and color? If not, what are you wanting to get?
I already have a blue 3DS, but on my birthday (July 4th) I'm getting my Pikachu 3DS XL because my parents bought it for me as a birthday present and are giving it to me until my birthday.