A Message


Retired Staff
Dec 9, 2005
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Lately, no doubt you've all been involved with (or heard about) the recent coffeebean-suspension-everybody's-freaking-out thing by now.

I'd just like to say that I honestly think things are being blown way out of proportion here, and would like to take a moment to explain something to you delightful TBT folk.

When a TBT member does something other members are offended by, or something that is generally against the rules, the punishment is commonly a "warn".

A "warn" is what it sounds like. It's simply a "Hey, that wasn't too good. Don't do that again!" message from one of us, you're favorite people in the world, the Staff.

Warn's usually/always come in 10% increases. If you do something that deserves a warn, boom, you've got a 10% "Warn Level". Every time you continue to do something "bad", you're warn level will increase by 10% (there are specific cases where this will be different, obviously). Soon you'll be at 20%, then 30%.

Here's something you might not all be aware of;

The 30% warn level is when you first start seeing heavier consequences. Normally, you'll be suspended for a brief period of time when you reach around 30%.

To be blunt, when you're at 20%, 30%, 40%, and higher, you should think of yourself as...well, "walking on thin ice", in a way.

The higher your warn level increases from the 30% point onward, you'll be getting higher 'suspensions'. That's simply how our current system is functioning.

Please, folks, don't take small suspensions and inflate them into a far bigger deal than they really are. A suspension for a few days isn't worth threads and threads of complaints. I know you've got friends here you care for, I do as well, but really, small suspensions aren't the end of the world. If you've been suspended, it doesn't mean we hate you. We probably still love you. And, if ghosts had hearts, I know I'd still love you.

Your warn levels will also decrease, if we notice you haven't been in trouble in a while, you're acting "good", etc. It's kind of like prison, and "good behavior". Doesn't that sound fun? : D

If anyone has any questions on absolutely anything, please feel free to drop me a PM. I'm sure I'd love hearing from you.

Yes, we may be the staff, but that doesn't mean we have to be the bad guys too.

Thank you for your time.
