A Million Dollars, BUT

Uh, no. I'm not moving my birthday out of December. That's weird.

A million dollars but you are eternally hungry no matter what.
Uh, no. I'm not moving my birthday out of December. That's weird.

A million dollars but you are eternally hungry no matter what.
i already am eternally hungry haha so yeah

a million dollars but you have to move across the world and never contact anybody you have known ever again
heck no! thats like 20 years worth of people i’ve even just seen or walked by etc! i’d be alone!! D:

a million dollars but you have to do that ‘fortnite floss dance’ infront of over a billion people
Yesssss !!!! I hate touching people and I hope a lot of these pandemic routines will keep being after its done.

One MILLION DOLLARS, all for you, BUT you can never pet a dog again.
Nah... I mean I could probably think of a loophole there, but I like pants : P

A million dollars but you live in solitude in some random Germany countryside with NO ONE around you EVER
I make my character live like that, so no. I can’t even use the money!

A million dollars but you have to go down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up.
Oooh I get a million dollars and a trip to the grand canyon? sign me up! (I could use the exercise lol)

One million dollars but your hands are now feet
absolutely not. I dance so.... that'd be a bit awkward

a million dollars but everybody detests you and you get publicly shamed all the time
noooo idc what people think of me, but i don't wanna experience that everyday i'd cry D:

a million dollars, but you have to pants one person a day
Na I'm already slightly choosey about what I eat as it is :p

A million dollars but you have to eat with only your hands for the rest of your life (no plates, cutlery, etc. even when at a restaurant. just the flat surface and your hands)

Million dollars, but you have a habit of bowing instead of shaking hands

I literally already have that habit and am trying to undo it because people don't understand that I'm bowing out of respect because it feels right
i'll take it! plates and forks are overrated

a million dollars but you can never taste anything ever again
nope! i love food too much XD

a million dollars but everyone you know forgets about you
at least my aunt will leave me alone and i won't have to see her again, i see that as a win 😂
tbh that's cool because i spend time with 5 people irl so i'll just make them remember me lol

1m but u can never use any electronic devices
I'd love to say that I don't have a reliance on electronic devices and could easily give them up but I'd be lying to myself, honestly I'd be lost without them, so it's a no to the million

1 million but you can only ever leave your house once a year
No thanks. Even though I'm fine with staying indoors, I need to be able to leave for emergencies.

A million dollars but the last thing you touched (other than your device you are using) is broken.