A Million Dollars, BUT

I mean, that would impact my handwriting... but it's already illegible as is. I think thumblessness might even be beneficial for me at times.
A million dollars, but you must do menial labor for a randomly selected person for a year.
Sure thing.

A million dollars, but you have to be like Man-Spider for the rest of your life. You have the body of a human, but the head of a spider!
my mom would clown me for it for the rest of her life (she is for some reason personally offended by people who wear socks with sandals
), but it’d be worth it for the money so... hell yeah

a million dollars, but you can never come on tbt again
Dang, that's easy. Give me the million.

A million dollars, but once a day for the rest of your life you get run over by a car, and then reincarnate.
That's good with me. I'm getting stinkin' rich over here!

A million dollars, but you are now a fish for the rest of your life.
Hm I wonder what a fish would buy for 1 million dollars?

A million dollars, but your now invisible every day and only visible in the late evenings.
No. I need the human thumbs to play Mario Kart.

A million dollars, but you can only drink water (unflavored) for the rest of your life.
No way, I have such a horrible memory as it is. 🥺

A million dollars but you have to have a long tail (you can decide the animal). 😱
Can I have a tail like in MHA? 😍

1 million dollars, but you turn into a seal whenever you use water. Dont worry if your drinking water no seal transformation.
Sure thing, sounds good.

One million dollars, but everything technology-wise that you touch breaks instantly.
I would not take the money.

One million dollars, but every video game you play has a 3% chance to corrupt itself when you start it up.
😭 What if I just never close the game? Problem solved?! 😱

A million dollars, but you can only use the gaming consoles you currently own from now on (no new consoles)?
I don’t really need any new consuls right now. I have my switch, my 3DS XL, my PS4. and I can play GameCube and Wii games on my PC now. So deal 😎😎😎

$1 million, but you have to donate it all to a charity (you can choose it ^^)