A Million Dollars, BUT

No way! I'd miss my right hand. I would argue it's worth more than a million. Now, for 10 million....

A million dollars, but the only streaming service you can watch for the rest of your life is HBO Max.
HBO Max has a decent selection. As long as they keep all the Studio Ghibli movies and Doctor Who. I’m good!

A million dollars, but you have to take care and raise 50 kittens.
For a million dollars? I will do every worst job at Wal-Mart.

For a million dollars, you would change dirty diapers for the rest of your life. (Baby or adult)
I guess. Is this like a job? Do I just change 1 a day? Several or an 8 hour shift? If it's like 24/7 changing without break, then no I'd have to pass.

A million dollars but you have to donate 1/2 to some charity/organization you don't agree with.
Nope. No way.

A million dollars but you can only have it in five dollar bills. You can't use it in your card, or have it in any higher form. Just five dollar bills.
I like small change, so I'd take it. If definitely have to have somewhere with a lot of room to house all of it though.

A million dollars but you have to break the world record for breaking for most walnuts with your butt in one minute.
Wait are you for real right now lol. I don’t even know what the record is but that sounds like it would hurt a lot, so no lmao.

A million dollars but you’re not allowed to sleep lying down from now on.
Yeah, I'd probably pick it up pretty well in a month

A million dollars but can't eat dairy products for a whole year
No. I like yogurt and kefir…and of course I have milk in my cereal!

A million dollars but you have to slap Grogu 100 times in the face.
For a million dollas? Yeah.

A million dollars but you are teleported 20 feet to the left of where you are located (when reading this for the first time) upon acceptance.
I would be outside on the roof, but sure.

A million dollars but you have to use it all like one of those retro shopping sprees where you got to use it all up in an hour. And you can't offload the stuff to anyone else or sell it.
Not ideal but not exactly any downsides.
Basically just get to shop for free for an hour. Probably would just get all the Lego and video games the store has lol.

A million dollars but aliens take over the earth (human money still has value and isn’t affected by the invasion).
it's bound to happen eventually, so i'd take that deal

a million dollars but you must live in a different city each year for the rest of your life
Yeah, no. Way too expensive and way too much work.

A million dollars but you’re only allowed to get two hours of sleep every day for the next month.