A Year Later Are You Still Playing?

How Much Do You Still Play ACNH?

  • I still play religiously every single day

    Votes: 103 34.6%
  • I play fairly often but sometimes skip days

    Votes: 88 29.5%
  • I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks

    Votes: 90 30.2%
  • I haven’t touched the game at all in forever

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters
I play quite decently often, but I’ve found that I get sick of how I’ve designed my island more and more. I recently flattened my island and rebuilt but I’m just not happy with the layout or what I’ve done to decorate. I also recently got some new amiibos from Etsy but I don’t want to bring in new villagers when I’m so unhappy with my island. I see tons of pictures of other peoples islands and they look so amazing and I try to emulate it but I can’t. Anyway! If anyone has any tips for me that would be great lol. I would love to be just as excited about playing as I was a year ago:(

Looking at other islands and thinking yours looks bad in comparison is a common problem many people have. The best thing you can do is not really worry about making yours like other peoples and make your island your own. Also I’ve even heard someone with a really nice island say that the pictures often hide ugly sections or are positioned at just the right angle to get the perfect look. So amazing photos aren’t everything.

It’s been tough for me doing a heavily themed island but I’ve slowly come to terms with the fact that my island will be different from everyone else’s and I might not like parts of it but that’s ok. It can still be great in its own way. I do very little terraforming and not a ton of decorating but that’s just my style and I’ve decided to embrace it.

My best piece of advice is to just have fun making your island in your own unique way and don’t worry about what anyone else’s island look like.
In the beginning I used to play every single day ; and then got my mom to play with me !:DShe never liked it when I played video games but she enjoyed Animal Crossing : New Horizons !🥺😍 As time passed, the game got so boring and repetitive that she just lost interest :cry:(I was pretty sad about it ).I went from playing it for hours to playing it when there's events :confused:.

She used to love fishing and diving . We had so much fun playing together. Ever since she stopped playing, it hasn't been the same 😭. I didn't watch or read any guides in the beginning because I wanted to experience everything first hand.

I've thought about it for a long time and I'm finally going to restart my island for the first time. With my mom and best friends not playing the game anymore and not happy with both the location of Resident Services and the short entrance , a fresh start seems like a good idea for me.

My goal is to " complete " the game and not restart again this time 😎! But ! I'm extremely annoyed/frustrated/angry/sad that there hasn't been any Quality of Life updates so far !!(n)(n)
I got my game back in October as saving up money that isn’t urgently needed somewhere else is hard for me. I got it and I play almost every day, some days for 10mins to check stores talk to villagers, other days were I play 3 hours or so of constant building. Though it is great to take a break and know no harm is done
I recently started a new island so I've been playing again, but I've not touched my main island since December.

Not a criticism of the game; this is typical of how I behave towards all games. I tend to obsess over games in rotation, usually for a few weeks at a time. Right now I'm back into playing The Sims 4.
I have being playing almost everyday since the game came out.
When it was first released, I played everyday without fail. Now I play every other day usually. Sometimes, I take breaks of a few days just so that I don't get totally burnt out. I have other games on my switch that I really enjoy playing when I need a break from ACNH.

I have a decent amount of building and terraforming to do on my island currently after flattening it a little bit ago. So that's giving me a good reason to log on frequently.
i’m still playing! i mostly do so on a regular basis but there are some instances where i get a bit burnt out and don’t play for a few days (which is currently happening aha).
I open the game once a day, every day. But for only a few minutes to an hour, depending on the visitor and what dailies I have that day. When I play, it's usually begrudgingly, and I no longer really get any joy out of it. I'll be taking a break from it when I pass my 1 year anniversary in game and experience all the announced updates. After that, I'll only check in every now and then, plus every Saturday for KK (need to get that achievement!) I'd probably just go for Redd and Gulliver, but if they're not there, I'll quickly exit the game and play something else.

I've always played AC this way though. I do get burnt out after a while but given enough time, I'll get right back on that horse! I'm actually surprised I stayed loyal to the game this long XD With New Leaf, my addiction to AC would last maybe 3 to 4 months tops. Meanwhile, I basically played an entire year for New Horizons. I still have love for the game, don't get me wrong. I just need a break or I'll go crazy 🙈
It hasn't actually been a full year for me yet, but I'm already not playing as much as I used to.
I stopped caring to do things like visit Redd, wake up Guillver, diving, fishing, etc.
I just get my daily Nook Miles, water/pick my pumpkins (because I'm lazy and still need bells), and check the shops. Sometimes I do a few other things like talk to my villagers, but this is about it.

I'll probably stop playing once I get to experience Bunny Day, unless more updates come.
I haven’t missed a day since release 😊 At the beginning I was on for more hours than I will admit 🙈 I did play less for a while as I got kind of burned out and lost focus on decorating and couldn’t get any inspiration. The last few weeks I have been on far too much as there has been a lot happening. I loved getting new furniture with the festivale and have used a lot of the items on my island. The new cherry blossom lights fitted in perfectly as I was designing a garden themed project. Finally I completed the art section in my museum,.

I think I have done everything again and need a break before the next update. It is a fun game and always something to do
I play every day. I just like to chill whilst watching TV playing it in handheld doing my dailies, and then sometimes remembering to pop back on in the evening to hopefully encounter Celesté. I only recently started hooking my switch to my TV so I enjoy playing it on there too! Naturally I don't play it as long as I did in the beginning, but my interest hasn't faded 😊
I am still playing if I miss a day I make it up by playing the next day for a while :) I still haven't been able to stop playing and play but other switch games tho :(
I play almost every day now. I took about a month off in December, but now I'm hooked again. Made some significant changes to my island and starting to like it more.

I have a long list of gripes and a wishlist of what I'd like changed in the game, but it's awesome as is, too.

I play Ori and the Blind Forest occasionally, too... but I'm lost again in that game. 😅
I don’t play every single day anymore but I try to play M-F everyday for all the special visitors. I don’t really see much of a reason to play on the weekends anymore. K.K. songs are easy to buy and I don’t really need turnip money anymore.
I do still play but I am very much going through phases with it currently - I had a short period of time where I was back to playing every single day but now I've been very focused on other games and just haven't had the time or motivation to properly pick animal crossing back up again. part of me thinks a reset might be what I need to get myself properly back into the game but I'm reluctant to do that before finishing all the nook miles achievements etc so I'm just back on an extended break :p
I've played almost every day since starting a new island, but I have missed some days recently because I've started playing a game that recently came out on the eShop called Littlewood.
I still play every morning, even if it's just for fifteen minutes. It's become a kind of meditation for me — I find that taking a relaxing stroll around some beautiful scenery, having a few cheerful conversations with cute animals, and cleaning up the daily weeds and branches really chills me out for the rest of the day. My island is my little sanctuary!
I purchased the game around mid-late June and played everyday for an extended amount of hours.

But as of lately (ever since I purchased Splatoon), I barely touch the game anymore.
I've already finished my island, finished the museum, got the villagers I wanted, etc...

When I open the game these days, I find myself just wandering around aimlessly for like 5 minutes and then I just save and close the game because I have nothing to do anymore 😅

I think I'm going to get interested again when the Sanrio update drops plus hopefully we get major anniversary update!
I was actively playing everyday when the game first came out. I started losing interest around thanksgiving and skipped a couple of events. I still play, just not everyday. I work full time, so when I’m not too tired after work.
Yes! I just hit 460 hours :) I play almost every day. With work and everything else, it's hard to log in every day. I've still got a long way to go with this game: I've only finished the fossil part of the museum, but my goal is to have either the fish/bug section complete this year :) I also got the golden HHA trophy a few days ago! That was pretty sweet.

Updates are definitely keeping me going, but I also play a lot because I really enjoy talking to my villagers and re-decorating my island. My island has changed drastically from when it started. I loved how it transitioned from deserted island, to a decent island with a few homes to a more rural Japanese town theme that I'm going with. I know that when I get tired of it, I wanna shift to a japanese-style city.
I was playing almost everyday until like a month ago or so. Recently I've become too busy IRL and I've been playing different games in my off-time. That said I don't think I'll be abandoning my islands any time soon. I just think I need a break for a week or two before returning to play more consistently. I still play all of the events and try to check in once or twice a week or so.

I don't feel like I'm missing anything, it just kind of is what it is. I found last month I'd start playing with all of these expectations and just ended up doing the same routine every day. It was getting boring, it felt more like something I had to endure rather than enjoy. I thought if I didn't give it a little space I'd lose my enthusiasm for the game, which is something I don't want. I still consider myself an active NH player, I just find I can't play quite as much as I did when it was first released. That's okay, there's nothing like the excitement of starting a new game. It's just hard to capture and extend that magic long term.