A Year Later Are You Still Playing?

How Much Do You Still Play ACNH?

  • I still play religiously every single day

    Votes: 103 34.6%
  • I play fairly often but sometimes skip days

    Votes: 88 29.5%
  • I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks

    Votes: 90 30.2%
  • I haven’t touched the game at all in forever

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters
I got so depressed yesterday, over the lack of items, that I got rid of everything in each room.

There's nothing unique or personal.

It's all ugly, boring wood.

I used to love wood.

I don't think we will ever get what we had in NL. :(
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Every day...at least to pick up sticks, fossils, stray flowers and gifts to villagers. I've been on a photo collecting frenzy lately too. Still fun for me since launch.
I've been playing since the game launched, and I'm still playing every day.

It's still fun for me to say hi to my islanders, complete a few tasks to earn Nook Miles, and see what everyone is up to at the plaza. I still take too many screenshots! Right now, I'm very happy with the islanders I have at the moment, so I'm actively saying no to anyone who asks to move out. But someone will, in good time, because there are still so many animals I have yet to meet.

The only thing in the way of my playing AC on a daily basis is the existence of other games. Namely Stardew Valley (looking to complete the end-game goals), Baldur's Gate 3 (druid class was added in a recent patch) and Loop Hero (looking to unlock the final chapter and boss fights). So many games, so little time!
I really loved and enjoyed the game for the first month or two but since then, the excitement over the new features has worn out and I only play maybe once a month at best, or don't play for months at all. I would like it if the game wasn't solely designed for customisation, I like mini-games, the separate Tortimers island, and the whole main-street thing we had in NL for the purpose of upgrades and hanging out. It was also nice having more furniture and funky items but I think I miss the missing NPC's more. All of this being said, I still really enjoy the game from time to time. Recently, I have been playing more regularly again (a couple of times a week when I get time) and I am really excited to see my island continue to develop. It's looking really good so far. I am hoping that as I get more time in my life in general that I will be able to get right into the game like I did when it first launched. We'll see.
It’s been almost a year since the game released and I know of several people who either aren’t playing ACNH at all anymore or much more sparingly. How much are you still playing?

As of late I mostly play every once and a while with taking decent length breaks. I still have a few things I want to accomplish in game but it’s fairly repetitive so I’ll often not play for a few days to a week or two. I’m hoping some year 2 updates will bring me back more regularly but we’ll have to see.

I play the game animal crossing every single day, usually at night for a few hours with my friends. I really do enjoy the game and can't get enough of it, at first I played everyday for 3 months then stopped and then started again 2 months ago so my nook mile tickets are sky high!
I take pretty big breaks, usually between updates. I’m still enjoying it though, I just have a lot of other things in life that I would rather be doing lol but I definitely haven’t given up on my island completely
Not much, I basically pop on a few times around new events but other than that not really. There isn't much longevity to keep me coming back.
It’s been almost a year since the game released and I know of several people who either aren’t playing ACNH at all anymore or much more sparingly. How much are you still playing?

As of late I mostly play every once and a while with taking decent length breaks. I still have a few things I want to accomplish in game but it’s fairly repetitive so I’ll often not play for a few days to a week or two. I’m hoping some year 2 updates will bring me back more regularly but we’ll have to see.

I play once or twice a week as I work as a nurse and I play with my boyfriend, Jay, on most occasions as we live together. Sometimes friends join in from real life and one of my colleagues plays it too.
I do still playing every day actually, although there are days where I only play for like an hour or so, mostly when I'm too busy with IRL stuff or just not being in the mode to play any video games whatsoever.
I used to play daily but I don't anymore. There's just not much I'm interested in doing anymore. I play once or twice a week at most. I've logged over 2,000 hours in the game, completed pretty much everything I've wanted to complete. I like checking out the new items they release in updates and am usually able to collect them within a day or so, do a little bit of decorating with them if I'm in the mood then stop playing again and wait for more new content. I do miss getting excited about the game daily and having new things to do besides collecting items. I'll be really happy if/when they give us more things to do in an update like mini games, working with brewster, farming, etc. That would motivate me to open my game more often.
i still play daily! mostly just digging up fossils, checking shops, tidying up flowers, saying hi to villagers then logging out again atm because i generally go through phases of playing a lot and then focusing on other stuff. honestly though i don't think there's ever been a time i haven't been playing AC regularly ever since i started playing with WW, kinda wild to think about
Is there a poll option for like, dropping it completely? No?

But yeah to answer your question, no I don't. I dropped out of it and deleted everything a couple of months ago, I've gotten incredibly tired of it as a chore and I hate this "slowly roll out updates" stuff for it. I mean it's great that they re-released Sanrio including the cards considering some definitely scalped off them pretty good.
Yep I do! Not everyday, and sometimes just for a few minutes, but I do.

My island has been as I want it to be for a while now, and I only change one villager from time to time, but I like having a walk around, talk to villagers, keep the island clean, check the shops and bottles since I can still find something new sometimes, celebrate the ocasional events, get stuff from Celeste an Redd, give a present to the current resident who hasn't given me their photo yet, maybe some nookmiles for the occasional island hoping, or fish or catch bugs if I feel like it, for instance.

It helps to relax me when I'm tired from work/have free time and when there's no other game at the moment catching my interest.
My brother bought the game almost a month ago, and i joined some groups outside this forum who play together and water flowers and stuff. So lately I've been playing quiet constantly, not every but most days, and sometimes up to 6 hours a day still haha 😅

I know I complain a lot, and it's good I made myself promise not to TT, but I still get some joy and relaxation out of this game 😊 I also just love this community!
I am! I don't play daily but honestly I was never much of a daily player with New Leaf, either. I'm incredibly grateful that my villagers won't pack up and abandon me for taking a few days off playing, lol.

As a whole I'm still enjoying the game! It's crazy that it's been out for nearly a year. There are definitely aspects of it that I wasn't happy with a year ago that are still around but nothing has been bad enough to make me delete my save and quit the game or anything. I might complain about the game a fair bit but I promise I do actually enjoy playing it, lol. I'm happy with how I'm making my island! It's a lot of fun having this much control over my island and even though I'm sad the interior designing isn't as fulfilling I do really like being able to place stuff outside. I'm still not sold on the diner area I have going on but I figure if we ever get Brewster's I'll stick him over there instead.
I've been playing every day since I finished Mario 3D All stars enough. I finished Galaxy, almost unlocked the Final Bowser stage, gave up on Sunshine. I'm waiting for Miitopia. I probably play New Horizons for about an hour or two. I got two of my rooms pretty much how I want them from now on. Most of my time is spent hitting rocks and digging out fossils to sell.
I don't know if I'd play quite as religiously otherwise, but I have to wait a half an hour after I get up to make my breakfast and I find that it's the perfect time to do my daily in game chores. So for now, I still play pretty much every day.
Yep! I kinda struggled the last year trying to keep one island, but I’m OK now. I decided now would be a good time to start fresh one last time, so I’m definitely keeping my new island of Pink Heart and working hard with it right now. I’m playing everyday so I don’t miss anything this year. Plus, I’m playing casually and slowly so I can still enjoy the game each day. 😊
Yep, i've played literally every day since March 20th of last year, although my play time has definitely went down. Most days I just check what's in the shops, see which npc is there (i'm still missing like 8-10 art pieces for my museum, some Celeste recipes, other stuff too), check special items for sale in residential services, and maybe talk to a villager or two. Sometimes if there's a special event going on i'll play longer (like i played all day during Festivale last month), or if i get inspired and motivated to redo a section of my island.