A Year Later Are You Still Playing?

How Much Do You Still Play ACNH?

  • I still play religiously every single day

    Votes: 103 34.6%
  • I play fairly often but sometimes skip days

    Votes: 88 29.5%
  • I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks

    Votes: 90 30.2%
  • I haven’t touched the game at all in forever

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters
NH is the first AC game I've played every day since launch, but I feel that's more because of the pandemic giving me more free time. Some days I just play out of obligation. I'm planning to keep playing every day but I'm hoping for updates that will give me a more substantial reason to.
I stopped like two months after release and now I got into it again. I don't know why or how I just felt an urge to play again and redo my entire island. I missed like all the events in the past months but oh my
I try to play every day for the basic tasks and to complete my catalogs but I don't feel bad if I skip a day or two and for sure I don't play often with others too since many people don't play anymore. Last year I was able to work from home so I had much more time to play and being online. Also, I got the game when April was ending so I missed some events and stuff.
I'm slowly feeling my love for the game ebbing. It's boring now. My kid just asked if I was going to play rn and I was like "Uhhhhh, I'm just so bored with it" and she agreed there's nothing to do anymore. I'm just playing to give GiGi and Chief gifts so I can get their pics since I have everyone else's on my island. Then I'll probably stop altogether for awhile.
Because of classes I don't have much free time, but I play about once a week just to get me out of a manic working mind. But sometimes I will go a couple weeks to a month without logging in
I played it very regularly back in March and continued played a few hours most days per week through May, and then took a bit of a break in the summer from June through September to focus on classes. The tbt fair brought me back to the game and motivated me to finally finish terraforming my island and be late fall I was mostly done and switched to playing a few hours per week to slowly furnish the outside areas of my island. I'm happy with how it looks now so I play less than usual, but I'm trying to still hop on a few times per week to start chipping away at furnishing my alt characters' houses.
Nope. I was two fish away from completing the museum, but I can't bring myself to pick up the game. I just don't enjoy it anymore.

I don't think an update will bring me back this time.
i have almost 2000 hours on NH now, i play all day everyday and honestly that's pretty bad 😅
i say i'll play for a little while but i get so caught up in the game that i don't notice a whole day has passed
Same, I have like 1,890 hours and I used to play the game like 15 hours a day every day back when I had no job or anything else to do. The quarantine couldn't have come at a better time in human history hahaha. I can't believe its gonna be one year of playing New Horizons on March 20th already. I relate to you so much with not noticing when a whole day just... passes by as one plays this game 😂😅

Nowadays I only play a little after I get back from work at 5pm, but I still play it daily since launch. I'm excited if we get a big new update or DLC for the anniversary of the game! :)
I play every day. Though, from before to now, all that you play for is to decorate your island with. And because I have a lack of creativity going around (And even if I do I hate it, claiming it's too big, then take a very long time tearing it down to the point where I'm like "What's the point anymore?") I have the urges to restart, but know not to because I have been through 1 year of keeping my island from the day that I had since the beginning, yet have made no remodeling progress since late April. I already finished my encyclopedia and you know well I don't wanna go through that again. (Except for my 2nd island, I will do that)

Now of course, I have passed 300 days nook mile achievement and now I can TT without messing things up. (Granted, no one can see your nook mile achievements and their dates, but you never know with that.) And since I haven't played in a while with the fact that nothing much happens the next days I can say I can now TT to my extent, but only do it when I feel it needs done.

Also because of this, I am free to take breaks from it whenever. I have been playing my 2nd copy more than my main.
I got the game on launch day and played a lot for about 2 months, after that I was playing casually on-and-off for a couple of months but had stopped playing around August. However, I recently began playing again a few days ago and have been enjoying doing things around the island. When I had stopped playing I wasn't near being done with my island design and whatnot so I still have a lot to do. I kind of regret not checking in from August to now as I believe I've missed out on some events, and I could've done some daily tasks for material, but it only means I have even more content/things to do now!
I still play most days, but I'm not always working on my island. Some days I sign on just to check on my villagers so they don't feel neglected. I tend to terraform and landscape in spurts, and it's been more often now that I actually know what I want to do.
I haven't touched the game since whatever day it was that we could buy the Mario furniture. I don't normally time travel, but the 5 items a day limit wore my patience thin so I just bought all of the stuff on one go. The introduction of the Mario stuff really painted how annoying and flawed the item limit is (to me at least)

I will probably boot the game back up for the Sanrio stuff and pretty much do a repeat. I need beefier updates for me to actually care to want to put more time in the game.
i took a break for a few weeks recently when i was feeling burnt out/uninspired, but recently i'm back to playing every day even just for a few minutes. i'd say apart from that brief hiatus, i've played almost every day since launch. i'm really hoping more missing content (+ overall new content) is coming soon so that i'll have even fewer reasons to take a long break again.
I still play each day. Typically it’s for 20 minutes. I check on my villagers, see what visitor is on my island and visit Nook’s Cranny + Able Sisters. My island is terraformed to the best of my ability and my museum is complete. I don’t have much to do in the game anymore. 😩
Same for me! I did a looong break once but then I started again and now I check my island every day! There’s still a lot of work to do because I completely restarted my island 😱 But I really enjoy playing right now.
i do! granted, i’ll take a break for a few days if i start getting burnt out but i still play regularly for the most part. :)
It’s been almost a year since the game released and I know of several people who either aren’t playing ACNH at all anymore or much more sparingly. How much are you still playing?

As of late I mostly play every once and a while with taking decent length breaks. I still have a few things I want to accomplish in game but it’s fairly repetitive so I’ll often not play for a few days to a week or two. I’m hoping some year 2 updates will bring me back more regularly but we’ll have to see.

Still playing regularly, not everyday but definitely often. I find that crossing calms me down, so on my days off or in our spare time, my partner and I visit each others islands and update on the latest construction and items on offer :)
i still play quite a bit, but definitely not as frequently as when i first got the game. it's alot easier to not feel like you have to play all the time (not that you do anyways) knowing that i don't have to worry about my villagers leaving, flowers wilting, etc.
I play every single day. I love all of my villagers, and I always feel guilty for leaving them alone. They honestly feel like friends, even though uninspired talking exists...