A Year Later Are You Still Playing?

How Much Do You Still Play ACNH?

  • I still play religiously every single day

    Votes: 103 34.6%
  • I play fairly often but sometimes skip days

    Votes: 88 29.5%
  • I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks

    Votes: 90 30.2%
  • I haven’t touched the game at all in forever

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters
I obsessively played at launch, but haven’t touched the game since June until now. I’m just desperately trying to catch up at this point lol.
Still play, pretty much everyday, but it ranges from 15 minutes to 20 minutes usually.

Just like checking in on things and updating some areas.

Still fixing up our front yards and renovating some rooms.

And I still have just 1 statue to keep a look out for with Redd and campers to look for.
Unfortunately not really. I also played obsessively at launch before petering out around June or July. I started working full-time in October, and because of that I don't have a lot of free time to play, and a lot of the time I'd rather use it to do something else. I still play the major events (Toy Day, New Year's, Valentine's Day), but that's about it.

I'm excited for the Sanrio collab next week, though, and maybe it'll make me want to play more than I have.
Taking a break, waiting for them to bring back some stuff from the old games. 2.0 is bound to be a big update so maybe I'll come back to it then. Maybe I'll tear down my entire island and rebuild it
I try to play at least 4 times a week. I don't play as much now, but hopefully nintendo releases some good updates that'll make me more excited to play. I really want the sanrio cards, though.
Yes. I still play because I really like the game. I don't necessarily play daily anymore and that ok. I have been playing other games and indulging in other hobbies, but it has always been like that for me. Animal Crossing has been there when I want to play it and I always seem to play it differently each time.

I'm playing more right now because Monster Hunter Rise is coming out soon and that will be my go-to game for a while since it will be new and shiny. I am also still time traveling up to the present day and I have a goal of only having 8 villagers and having all of those villagers be the new villagers. It is really fun and challenging for me to play this way. I just played Halloween last night and I have around 80 more days to go before I hit day 300. After that, I won't care about TT daily and will probably come back to real-time, even if I miss a few events along the way. (But I'm stopping at Pi Day and St Patties because I want the items).
I've played every day since launch. Most days, I'll play for an hour or so - just doing daily chores, checking shops, talking to my villagers. Once or twice a week I play for longer, whether it's because I'm visiting a friend, tweaking some decoration, or planning a new area. I still have some badges to complete, so if I have nothing to do, I might fish and hunt bugs for a while to add to my count.

I've found something to do each day, but it's slow and easy, setting my own goals, which has always been my favorite thing about the series.
Still playing. Not quite as religiously but that's mostly due to just it being my final semester in college and prepping for licensing exams after graduating. I still check my main town pretty often through the week, my second town has been more on the back burner for now.

This is the first time I'll say that I did keep up with all the fish/bugs/diving and have completely finished my encyclopedia/museum within the first years timeframe. So, that's kinda neat to experience. Other than a few nook miles achieves to comeplete and only 1000 clothing variations left for my catalog, everythings really complete. I've finished my player houses and I hope to adjust things outdoors a bit - design some specific areas.
I stopped playing between July-February and I just picked it back up not too long ago.
I mostly quit because my island was just ugly lol. I had "finished" a huge chunk of it, then when I started looking at other islands, it made me hate everything that I had done and it led to burnout.

Now I'm re-terraforming everything and trying to approach everything with positive energy. I'm looking to others for inspiration and it seems to be working out well so far.
I still play every single day. It's pretty much part of my routine at this point. Even if it it's just popping in for five minutes before I go to bed I at least want to check in on things. Currently I have a bunch of projects going on at the same time so that has been giving me extra motivation to play and try to maintain my creativity.
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Until today, I hadn't played since November. I've been busy with other games and various things happening irl.
I started again very recently after months of not touching it. I've completely redesigned my island from top to bottom. For me this game really relies on the island decorating to keep me interested. once I have something I'm happy with I drop the game again because I realise there isn't much to do anymore. I wish the villagers were more interesting and didn't make me feel bad for talking to them more than once in one day lmao
I play pretty often but will sometimes skip days. I don’t do a whole lot when I am on, but it’s nice and relaxing nonetheless.
Still playing daily since day one.

This is the first AC game I've played consistently on a daily basis. Even if there's nothing to do on my island, I still make it a habit of logging into the game and checking out the shops and talking to my villagers. My day feels incomplete without playing the game, even for just 15 minutes.
This is pretty much how I've been. I've taken a few days off from the game here and there just because of real life stuff, but I try to play it daily.

I think one thing that's helped me keep the spark alive is not getting super attached to any layouts/villagers. I try not to keep anyone around for too long (except Bob- Bob stays), and I'm currently on my third or fourth island remodel here. The first time I remodeled my island, it was super annoying running into roadblocks like not being able to move around everyone's house in one day (what do you MEAN your one man crew can't move ten houses in one night, Nook?!), but it's actually kind of nice to have now. It keeps me excited to log back in the next day and helps with the burnout of trying to do everything in one sitting.
I returned on Thursday and I'm having a lot of fun. Can't wait for my house to have cockroaches again when I get another game.
Stopped playing a month in, started up City Folk and kept on it. This game is lacking so much content it's insane. Everyone I know who plays it treats it like a gacha game, dailies, getting certain animals, ect. The game has completely lost any charm it used to have. There's nothing to really do and there isn't much for furniture, clothes, ect. The island is small there isn't much shops. The only shop we do have is extremely small with items that you can't even recolor. It's been a year and there still isn't much to do other than talk to your painfully boring villagers, and decorate with the same few items.
I have played every day (or very close to) and am still playing. I am not on it for hours like it used to but I still like to get on it to keep up my island and I have some friends I still play it with.
I still play often for trades and decorating, but only for a short period at a time. If I've ran out of ideas for decorating, I'll take a long break until I get more ideas.
In waves, really. I do check my island just about every day to check the daily visitors and do some basic tasks, but most days it's not much more than that. There are definitely still days where I spend quite a few hours just messing around, though. And hanging out with other players is always fun too :D
Yes! I feel like I’m even more into it now than I was back at launch. A half-hour ago, I saw Muffy (my favorite villager) in-game for the first time, which gave me an energy surge. It’s like she was my 1st year anniversary gift!