Blaire likes to eat little kitties because she is too ugly that left my town =( and then she fight superman after getting a triforce from mario that was found on the street eleven years ago by link but he lost it cuz he didnt taked care of things after a while a sim got it and he selled it to Redd
ok um joan once was the most beautiful thing youve ever seen but growing up in the mean streets of la she was tortured by all the other girls because they were jealous of how pretty she was so one day the mean girls pushed joan into a hot cauldron of oil and joans face was scared and hideous forever after she now spends her days selling turnips thinking about the days where she was pretty and was going to be a model but now she will be forevor hideous and stink like rotten turnips .... The end
Crazy Redd disguised himself as Nook and your parents went in the store and sold stuff to him but he never paid and then he was on the run from the law and tries to secretly sell you your parents' stuff. He also does crack.
________________________The Story Of A Fox Named Red________________________
One day in a little town called Animal World, Little Redd was playing with his friend Tom Nook.
Hey I have an Idea! Said Redd. We Should make up a game! Yeah! Said Nook. It is pretty hot and boring out here in Animal World. Then Came along their Friends Gracie (the Popular) and Saharah, (the Crafty one). Hey..... Slobs...... Said Gracie. Why do you keep going here? This is our spot. Yeah! said Saharah, I mean You Guys started coming here after your friend Redd here was stalking us and heard about it. HEY! I WAS NOT STALKING YOU! I just happened to be walking by when I heard you talking so I hid behind a tree and Listened quietly. Yeah.... We're going to tell officer Copper on you! Said Gracie. Prepare to be locked up forever. Then Redd's little sister, Katie came up behind. Hey Redd!? Can I have your stuff after you go to prison? said Katie. Except for your sweaty smelly underpants and socks....... EWWW! Then the girls ran off with green faces. And That's why nobody ever Married Poor Redd.
Sable was once a little hedgehog who could find no talent. Her little sister found an interest in socializing and selling small toys to kids. Sable wish she had a talent to show her parents, but to no avail...until one day she spooted a sewing machine in the window of a store. she bought the machine with the little money she had and began designing clothes. She also met a young raccoon name Tom...and together the 2 became a team.
The End
Kapp'n grew up in upstate New York selling his old valuable and antiques for his family. One day a young woman(a frog/parrot thing as well) came up to him. Thinking she was interested in the old valuables, he tried to talk her into buying one. However, not being a business man, he became a taxi-driver, a job easy enough for him. He then met the lady again and took her for a ride into the city. He dropped her off and promised to pick her up again when she was done shopping. However, he left and forgot all about her. Then he never saw her again. So now he drives a yellow bus and tells the kids to "keep an eye out for the city lasses" and such... just because he regrets how he dumped his...