AC Masters

VantagE said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
Pretty sure Jason pegged you on that last post... he hadn't post for a while and you reported him... nice... and yeah you pretty much were spamming...

You are now starting to get on my bad side...^___________________________^
Jas0n said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
I technically never did anything wrong XD

As I said, you're the one that needs to stop posting. You also need to get over yourself ._.
I agree here... Plus I do believe Jason has helped more times then he has said anything negative... Plus commando if you don't like what he is saying stop talking to him just move on to w/e your ORIGINALLY wanting to talk about... pretty sure Jason will move to another thread also...
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
i lol'd.
tails1428 said:
looks enertaining and i could go to meet some new people ill join if there is room im always down 4 a word brawl..
that kinda made it sound like a blind dating service...
thats kinda humerous... :veryhappy:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
i lol'd.
Nate you need to add me! I keep forgetting to ask you!
Bacon Boy said:
VantagE said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
Pretty sure Jason pegged you on that last post... he hadn't post for a while and you reported him... nice... and yeah you pretty much were spamming...

You are now starting to get on my bad side...^___________________________^
HAHA I told you I am mysterious... I don't think anyone on here has seen my mad/ticked... probably a good thing. But I normally avoid talking to people on here that already irritate me... thus I don't get mad xD
Tidus said:
oh, and VantagE,
i will NEVER LvL You!!!
What? :O
Weirdo... where did that come from? And I don't care lol.

Haha it looks like Commando took my advice and moved on. HA!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Jas0n said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
yea jason im just trying to let people have fun and your being so negitive.
also the meetings are first watching kk slider. then we talk about our group and what we can do to make it better and we will just mainly have fun
noooo ur beegn negtve
k gud u lernd 2 shut up nd tak it :santagyroid: :santagyroid:
I think he thought you was talking to me, LOL.

And yes I am being truthful. There's 4 people per town and so far everyone like commando has left the forums within a month xD

EDIT: Storm doesn't have to be an admin if he doesn't want to be... o.o
NOT meh lol I plan on staying for about a year maybe longer 0.0
VantagE said:
Bacon Boy said:
VantagE said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
Pretty sure Jason pegged you on that last post... he hadn't post for a while and you reported him... nice... and yeah you pretty much were spamming...

You are now starting to get on my bad side...^___________________________^
HAHA I told you I am mysterious... I don't think anyone on here has seen my mad/ticked... probably a good thing. But I normally avoid talking to people on here that already irritate me... thus I don't get mad xD
hey guys...
what is the worst he can do, we are all MILES UPON MILES away from each other...
the worst he can do is type IN ALL CAPS, and type obcenities at us, and we dont even have to read that stuff...
oh and Jas0n...
very funny take everything perverted why doncha, it was in his sig,
oh and VantagE...
you said we have no lives, you have been playin the same internet game for 6 years...
nuff said