
I had terrible acne from age 12 to 19. As soon as I graduated from High school, I didn't have acne anymore and only got the occational pimple during period time. The stress school caused did a number on my skin so I would use Clearasil acne mark scrub and use Neutrogena On-the-spot cream for the pimples I didn't want to pop. 4 years acne free!
There was exactly the same problem with me. Pimples and acne are the most common problem amongst teenage and it is surely noticeable to all. Being an organic lover, I used the Stem cell cr?me products which suited my skin type and helped me getting my acne and pimple lesser down. Now I have a better skin tone and for making it more beautiful and glowing I am using effective stem cell products which are gentle, shows quick results to improve the scars and make the skin glow.
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Korean BB cream worked wonders for me. It acted as coverage when I needed it, and faded redness/acne spots over time.
I highly recommend going to doctor and getting blood tests. When typical treatments don't work, look into something going on inside your body. That's what I learned..
I never had acne in my life. I eat tons of sugary and fatty foods and I honestly think food does not have an important connection to acne. Drink a lot of water and set up a skincare routine ppl.
I have acne, but I managed to get it to start clearing up back in February after I began receiving medication from my dermatologist.
god i hate acne. when i was 12 i got a really bad breakout and theres acne all over my face. worst period of m life i tell you. i literally did everything i found on the internet from washing my face three times a day to putting lemons on my face which made my face all red but the acne just wont go away. i remember i used to be very cranky because of the acne and didnt dare to look people in the eyes. my face is alright now but it still has acne scars but theres nothing a good concealer cant cover.
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I didn't really struggle with acne too badly, my face just never had problems even though I'm kinda oily, only time I get pimples is when I'm on or near my cycle. I just recommend as everyone does, wash face in the morning and such. moisturizer, etc
Boy did I have problems with acne. Almost nothing worked for me at all, but around January 2015 I just...stopped breaking out? I mean I still did get a pimple here and there but no where NEAR as bad as it was. And now most of my skin problems are gone except for a few little marks on one side of my face, which will hopefully fade over time.

It's like I stopped living when I had acne because it made me so self conscious lol. I'm glad I'm done with it.
Between my boobs. It's terrible, because my boobs are the one good thing about me. Hahaha.
I never really had any serious acne until last year, I was on a strong course of steroids and my God they were all over my chest and neck. Was horrendous. So glad I never had that before and hopefully not again for a long time.
When I was about 11 I started to get a lot of spots, found using medicated soap really helped. The doctor also prescribed me something too if I remember correctly. They're certainly nothing good :(
Between my boobs. It's terrible, because my boobs are the one good thing about me. Hahaha.

Relatable. Mine suck, but I know what it's like to have acne there.

Hell, I basically have acne everywhere that isn't my arms or hands

I started getting acne around 8, it's never been clear 100%. I've always had just a general redness of the sides of my cheeks and some whiteheads wherever. When I was like 10 I had a HUGE zit on my left cheek and the whitehead turned green. Got sick of it and popped it even though I was told not to. I've got blackheads on my nose too and body acne.. I never usually stick to one product or brand with the exception of Stridex pads. My face wash routine.. Soap, two different acne face washes, stridex pad, then let face dry and then dab on the kind that comes in a small tube. 3 times a day. Changed my routine to that recently and my face cleared up a bit
I've had acne since I was young, it seems to have cleared up a lot on it's own but I do still sometimes get a few spots, I use grease lightning from Lush on them, it works pretty well. I have scars on my forehead from acne as a child ad it sucks, it's not that noticeable anymore I don't think, but still.
I've never suffered from acne and neither have my parents when they were at that age; I obviously follow after them. Although having said that, I do get the occasional spot especially when I'm due on (my time of the month again). I always seem to get them sore red bumps on my forehead and my hairline. They don't bother me much as they soon fade away after a couple of days, it's just how sore they are that bothers me the most. A lot of people have asked me how my skin is so "perfect" but they seem to forget or don't realize that I suffer from dry skin. Every morning and night I rub Nivea cream all over my face; it's brilliant for both removing makeup and moisturizing my skin. It saves me having to put on so many lotions that contain all kinds of chemicals. There is one other cream that I use which I've never mentioned, it's called PanOxyl. It works like a charm (for me at least, I can't speak for others as we all vary in skin types). The spot cream contains 10% Benzoyl Peroxide, a strong substance that helps treat the spot. I don't have sensitive skin so therefore it doesn't cause any irritation, but it does clearly state on the box that those with a known sensitivity to Benzoyl Peroxide or any other product should not use it. Besides from that, I don't follow a strict routine in order to have healthy skin.
i haven't gotten acne in a while, but if i do, it's usually just a small pimple that'll clear with a little face wash. last time i really suffered from acne was a few months ago. i think it was before the 2015-2016 school year.. so basically summer 2015
I'm super pale and have extremely sensitive skin. As in I've only found one sunscreen in my entire life that I can use without breaking out in a rash, I'm extremely allergic to things that are supposed to be hypoallergenic or that very few people are allergic to, I have a hard time finding cosmetics that I can use for longer than a few months before I develop an allergy to them, and skin care products have always been an absolute nightmare for me. My skin has always been normal-oily, never extremely oily or dry. I never had terrible cystic acne or anything, but I was prone to lots of small breakouts on my forehead and jaw area because I had bangs, and the natural oils from my hair caused me to break out. So there's my skin background.

I still have a tendency to develop allergies to skin care products, so I frequently switch my facewash/ toner/ moisturizer. The two big consistent things in my skin care routine that have made the biggest difference are 1) my clarisonic brush and 2) my limited dairy consumption.

My clarisonic brush is great for gently exfoliating (if my face can take it, just about anyone's can!), and limited dairy consumption is great because dairy contains substances that are fine when entering a calf's body, but inflammatory when entering a human's body, which contributes to acne. Limiting my dairy consumption has made the biggest difference in my skin. I'm mildly lactose intolerant, but didn't get any of the more severe symptoms, so I didn't know until I was 19 or so. But I'm 22 now and after 3 and a half years of not drinking milk, but still occasionally eating yogurt, cheese and (more rarely) ice cream, my skin has never looked better.

Oh, and I wash my face once a day, unless I'm wearing makeup, in which case I wash my face twice a day, because my skin can easily get dried out.

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Also thought I'd add, if any of you get acne on your back, make sure you're washing the conditioner out of your hair before you wash your body; the moisturizing oil in the conditioner can cause your back and anywhere else it washes over to break out.
when i had acne it was never a huge problem for me, apart from there would be a few spots occasionally which would make my face really sore. most of the spots were on my forehead, some days i didn't have any spots, others it got pretty bad. at first i felt a bit insecure about my acne especially when it got red or green so i wore foundation. i was around 11 or 12 and i hardly saw anyone with acne so i felt a bit awkward. shortly after i found out that i didn't care about my acne anymore and i stopped wearing foundation, of course i'd put on gel and wash my face to get rid of them, but i honestly realized that i was more comfortable showing my normal skin.
I had it very badly when I was about 11, I just used a medicated soap and a steroid cream from the doctors. The cream seemed to keep it away pretty much permanently. I still get a few spots now and then even in my 20's but nothing as bad as when I was a kidn