- 5pm is insanely popular and it seems everyone likes it, even the people who don't like the soundtrack in general.
I hate it lol, just as annoying as 2PM for me
- also wish flowers died. the petals could have disappeared not the whole flower, I do miss watering flowers without going for hybrids
- the flowers are also too big. I liked how small they were in the past 3 games and they were bunched closer together.
- again, for flowers (lol), I miss them being in bunches of 4. They just looked so nice without taking up so much space, but I understand why it's back to 3 because of the amount of lag it would cause since they sway now
- preferred NL's shiny art style for the overworld instead of the flat looking grass and dirt now, but the graphics still look gorgeous
- waterfalls coming out of the edge of cliffs looks strange to me (with no pond above it)
- actually prefer houses being off centered to each other, I don't like them lined up
- I don't mind the wait for moving buildings and constructing things. It takes like 2 weeks to redo the island again and I like doing that in real time. I also don't mind too much moving buildings back and forth, as it gives me a reason to make bells again