ACNH Γ— Sanrio Crossover Discussion + Question Thread πŸ’—

Were you successful in buying a pack of Sanrio amiibo cards from Target today (03/26)? πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Tbh, I think whatever’s going on is more of a non-Nintendo Of Japan thing, given their My Nintendo Store has all of the Amiibo cards in stock (because they’re able to print them on demand there)... but them being Target exclusive in the US SUCKS, I’m very sorry for all you US-based AC fans.

However, I’m also living in hope that they’re not limited availability this time, and this is all just going AAAA because there’s no pre-orders.

Mainly because I want to physically have them, instead of just using their NFC data in a rewritable chip like I do with most other amiibo.

Btw, saying that amiibo piracy/bootlegging’s anywhere as bad as scalping is honestly kinda wrong? Sure, neither of them are GOOD per se, but at least one’s largely not about profiteering from other people’s desires to have a certain product... that’s just horrible, and I’m ashamed at you for doing it.
I forgot that the old cards would work the same so you’re right they’re definitely just keys to unlock what’s going to be added into the game. This makes it even more annoying if you miss out on the cards knowing that this content is basically in your game but you can’t access it
because Nintendo limited the availability of the cards for no reason.
I wonder if Nintendo plans on doing a digital pack of "keys" for people to buy after a while of the cards being the way they are.

I wonder if Nintendo plans on doing a digital pack of "keys" for people to buy after a while of the cards being the way they are.
They won't do a digital pack. If you don't get the cards you don't get them. That's how Nintendo will do things.
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The way I see it is that scalpers would buy up an entire stock and sell it at twice the price given the chance, and make themselves the only option to buy from, especially with limited items.
Bootleggers aren't trying to sell an official product, they're just giving buyers more options. It may not be the exact same as the real deal but it doesn't hurt anyone.
Tbh, I think whatever’s going on is more of a non-Nintendo Of Japan thing, given their My Nintendo Store has all of the Amiibo cards in stock (because they’re able to print them on demand there)... but them being Target exclusive in the US SUCKS, I’m very sorry for all you US-based AC fans.

However, I’m also living in hope that they’re not limited availability this time, and this is all just going AAAA because there’s no pre-orders.

Mainly because I want to physically have them, instead of just using their NFC data in a rewritable chip like I do with most other amiibo.

Btw, saying that amiibo piracy/bootlegging’s anywhere as bad as scalping is honestly kinda wrong? Sure, neither of them are GOOD per se, but at least one’s largely not about profiteering from other people’s desires to have a certain product... that’s just horrible, and I’m ashamed at you for doing it.
Morally and ethically they're both wrong, but only one is illegal, and it's not flipping.

I'll continue to say it even though it falls on deaf ears, but the community just readily accepts the illegal one out of frustration that they weren't able to get the card they wanted at a price they wanted. We can all blame Nintendo for not asking for enough to be printed, but without people paying ridiculous prices, flippers wouldn't be motivated to do what they do.

Buy all the Amiibo coins you want, but you truly have no leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing the alternative; you are quite literally supporting the sale of stolen goods.
Morally and ethically they're both wrong, but only one is illegal, and it's not flipping.

I'll continue to say it even though it falls on deaf ears, but the community just readily accepts the illegal one out of frustration that they weren't able to get the card they wanted at a price they wanted. We can all blame Nintendo for not asking for enough to be printed, but without people paying ridiculous prices, flippers wouldn't be motivated to do what they do.

Buy all the Amiibo coins you want, but you truly have no leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing the alternative; you are quite literally supporting the sale of stolen goods.
One is trying to cause mental suffering to those most desperate for something so they can extort them out of their savings.

The other is depriving one of the largest and most wealthy companies on the planet of a miniscule amount of money.

I think there is a leg to stand on here.
Youre trying to equate a small "evil" to an act that, if you do, frankly, you are kinda evil.

But since you admitted that if you cant find any strangers here to give you their address, you will happily sell any left over packs at a high mark up, I can see why you are trying to defend such awful behaviour.
While both may be wrong I see nothing wrong with boot leg things a lot things are boot legged for people who can't get the real deal. Me personally: I wouldn't buy anything boot leg as it feels well..fake and wrong and I would rather have the real thing but to each their own. I will say I would buy from a bootlegger before I'd buy from a scapler.
I don't think there's anything really wrong about using the nfc chips if it's for personal use (maybe the person prefers not to carry their original amiibo cards and prefers something more mobile instead). The thing is, I see people making the "fake" amiibo as a way to earn cash nowadays; it's their business now. This is when I feel like it's wrong. The way I see it, it's as illegal as selling pirated goods.
Scalping is just....scummy. People who do that are parasites. The equation should be something like manufacturer --> retailer/distributor --> consumers and scalpers/resellers are unneeded.
I always feel like Nintendo couldn't care less cause they're not losing any money either way. They manufactured xx number of units and they sell them all. It's us, the consumers that suffer at the end. Scalpers buy them all and we're forced to pay ridiculous prices or we go fake amiibo route. Nintendo likes to reject extra $$. I'm sure they're not blind and they can see how popular their products are.
What I’m wondering about the Sanrio stuff this round is actually how the furniture is gonna be obtained. I guess you’ll just have to get lucky with villagers selling/trading stuff from their houses? Also genuinely is there any news on canadian sales of these cards yet i kind of want toby
What I’m wondering about the Sanrio stuff this round is actually how the furniture is gonna be obtained. I guess you’ll just have to get lucky with villagers selling/trading stuff from their houses? Also genuinely is there any news on canadian sales of these cards yet i kind of want toby
I know that Nintendo on Twitter said they would be invited to your campsite, and then I think they said you'll be able to purchase them in the Promotion tab once you scan them in, or somewhere on the Nook Machine. I have to go back and check when I get the chance, but I know for sure that you will not have to wait for them to sell them.

Also for Canada, not much news. I'm not too sure there's going to be a new set of pre-orders, so I think the 26th is going to be the only time to get them. I keep checking though in case, because honestly it can go either way and it's better to be safe than sorry.
I don't think there's anything really wrong about using the nfc chips if it's for personal use (maybe the person prefers not to carry their original amiibo cards and prefers something more mobile instead). The thing is, I see people making the "fake" amiibo as a way to earn cash nowadays; it's their business now. This is when I feel like it's wrong. The way I see it, it's as illegal as selling pirated goods.
Scalping is just....scummy. People who do that are parasites. The equation should be something like manufacturer --> retailer/distributor --> consumers and scalpers/resellers are unneeded.
I always feel like Nintendo couldn't care less cause they're not losing any money either way. They manufactured xx number of units and they sell them all. It's us, the consumers that suffer at the end. Scalpers buy them all and we're forced to pay ridiculous prices or we go fake amiibo route. Nintendo likes to reject extra $$. I'm sure they're not blind and they can see how popular their products are.
This I can agree with. Like I said boot legging is wrong not as bad as scalping but, it's still wrong. I don't think people should make "fake" Amiibos then sell them for their own profit. It's still pirating. It's like taking a movie and putting in on a flash drive then selling it for your profit. You didn't make that movie and even if you gave credit to the creator you're still stealing something that's not yours. Imagine if that was your art being sold by someone else and their getting the money off of something you made. That wouldn't feel too good. That's why I personally wouldn't buy anything boot leg unless I couldn't get the item through real means. However, I would buy the boot leg item before buying from a scalper.
What I’m wondering about the Sanrio stuff this round is actually how the furniture is gonna be obtained. I guess you’ll just have to get lucky with villagers selling/trading stuff from their houses? Also genuinely is there any news on canadian sales of these cards yet i kind of want toby

I thought Canadian sales were exclusively BB and Amazon?
One is trying to cause mental suffering to those most desperate for something so they can extort them out of their savings.

The other is depriving one of the largest and most wealthy companies on the planet of a miniscule amount of money.

I think there is a leg to stand on here.
Youre trying to equate a small "evil" to an act that, if you do, frankly, you are kinda evil.

But since you admitted that if you cant find any strangers here to give you their address, you will happily sell any left over packs at a high mark up, I can see why you are trying to defend such awful behaviour.
I'm not trying to defend anything, just highlighting the hypocrisy.

If you think I'm evil, that's your problem, not mine. Wait, sorry, "kinda evil," whatever that means. And if you think someone knowingly and willingly spending their savings on a luxury item is considered extortion, then all I can do is shake my head. Living in a world of extremes must be exhausting.
I'm not trying to defend anything, just highlighting the hypocrisy.

If you think I'm evil, that's your problem, not mine. Wait, sorry, "kinda evil," whatever that means. And if you think someone knowingly and willingly spending their savings on a luxury item is considered extortion, then all I can do is shake my head. Living in a world of extremes must be exhausting.
There isn't any hypocrisy in saying that 2 things are not equal. Because the 2 acts are very far from equal if you look at who gets hurt. Some poor person loses out on all their savings, potentially ending up in debt, vs multi milionaires not getting a few pennies thrown their way.
Not the same by a large, large margin.

And if you think the only people scalpers get are just casually giving their money away, from their large stuffed wallets, without a care in the world, maybe you aren't evil (never said you were) but just highly ignorant around the issue.
You can get the items from others through trading though, and they're not limited in any way. So the only thing you're really locked out of are the villagers

And that's it right there.

Nintendo, the lowest of the low, are counting on this artificial scarcity, to force players into feeling like they have to purchase a nintendo online account, to be able to get all the Sanrio items via trading.

Nintendo are making money on a whole new level of evil.

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There isn't any hypocrisy in saying that 2 things are not equal. Because the 2 acts are very far from equal if you look at who gets hurt. Some poor person loses out on all their savings, potentially ending up in debt, vs multi milionaires not getting a few pennies thrown their way.
Not the same by a large, large margin.

And if you think the only people scalpers get are just casually giving their money away, from their large stuffed wallets, without a care in the world, maybe you aren't evil (never said you were) but just highly ignorant around the issue.
How can I take you seriously when you think a "poor person" will rationalize losing "all their savings" and "potentially end[ing] up in debt" on a pack of 6 cards. Do you honestly believe that's what someone would do? My comment about living in extremes still applies.

And yes, you called attention to my saying I'll attempt to make money back if folks here don't respond to my offer, then go on to say scalpers are "kinda evil." Go back and read what you said, it's all there. You may have meant the action is "kinda evil," but it's not what you said.

And like I said, I couldn't care less that you think I'm evil, because I don't know you from Adam. Amiibo coins are theft, plain and simple. Rationalize that however you want, but the fact remains.
I lost a large chunk of my savings last year on winning an auction for an ACNH edition switch.

I don't use Paypal, and the only option Ebay gave at the checkout was direct deposit.

The item didn't exist and I lost almost a grand.

Ebay didn't cover me.

The police are still working on charging the dude.

I can't take anyone to court until someone is charged.

So I've already lost a crapload, as I had to use more of my savings to buy a switch, since the Ebay item I thought I was getting didn't exist, so yeah.. people DO lose money.
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People losing money over Switches n such
Me in the backgroud who got hers for her 16th birthday and was able to save up 260 dollars to get my sister a switch plus acnh and still had money left over-
