ACNH × Sanrio Crossover Discussion + Question Thread 💗

Were you successful in buying a pack of Sanrio amiibo cards from Target today (03/26)? 🇺🇸

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How can I take you seriously when you think a "poor person" will rationalize losing "all their savings" and "potentially end[ing] up in debt" on a pack of 6 cards. Do you honestly believe that's what someone would do? My comment about living in extremes still applies.

And yes, you called attention to my saying I'll attempt to make money back if folks here don't respond to my offer, then go on to say scalpers are "kinda evil." Go back and read what you said, it's all there. You may have meant the action is "kinda evil," but it's not what you said.

And like I said, I couldn't care less that you think I'm evil, because I don't know you from Adam. Amiibo coins are theft, plain and simple. Rationalize that however you want, but the fact remains.
We were talking about scalpers, not scalping these particular cards. Although it remains to be seen how much they might charge for them.
Could it be a slight mark up? Maybe. Could it take up the entirety of a person's savings during a global pandemic that has caused mass redundancy? Absolutely.
Do I believe there are people that are so into this game they would put themselves into a poor financial situation to get hold of something that might be a once in a lifetime thing? Of course.
Do I believe scalpers know this and are trying to take advantage? Yes 100%.
My comment about your ignorance still applies but the net has been widened.
(Ps you clearly care what people think or else you wouldn't keep arguing. Lets not pretend otherwise)
People losing money over Switches n such
Me in the backgroud who got hers for her 16th birthday and was able to save up 260 dollars to get my sister a switch plus acnh and still had money left over-

Oh, I'm in the wrong because I was ripped off?

Not all of us were born with a silver spoon.

I work hard.
I lost a large chunk of my savings last year on winning an auction for an ACNH edition switch.

I don't use Paypal, and the only option Ebay gave at the checkout was direct deposit.

The item didn't exist and I lost almost a grand.

Ebay didn't cover me.

The police are still working on charging the dude.

I can't take anyone to court until someone is charged.

So I've already lost a crapload, as I had to use more of my savings to buy a switch, since the Ebay item I thought I was getting didn't exist, so yeah.. people DO lose money.
That's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that happened :( It's actually frightening how far people are willing to go to screw over others.

I know it's not a silver lining since you lost a grand, but hopefully somehow or some way, Karma will kick that scumbag where it hurts and will get what they deserve.
Oh, I'm in the wrong because I was ripped off?

Not all of us were born with a silver spoon.

I work hard.
No no !! You're not wrong at all I just feel bad that I hadn't suffered anything thus I I simply can't full understand your pain. However, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth either. My parents worked their asses off to get my switch and I had to work many months to even afford ACNH for my switch. (Having a job that only pays you 7.25 an hour sucks especially when you only work part time.) It took me almost a year to even afford my sister's switch plus acnh. Bold of you to assume I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I feel bad about what has happened to you which is why I felt awkward about what was currently happening in this thread. Especially with corona around. I lost my job for many months which took me longer to afford my acnh and my sister's switch but I was blessed enough to get it bad. So, again I just felt awkward.
We were talking about scalpers, not scalping these particular cards. Although it remains to be seen how much they might charge for them.
Could it be a slight mark up? Maybe. Could it take up the entirety of a person's savings during a global pandemic that has caused mass redundancy? Absolutely.
Do I believe there are people that are so into this game they would put themselves into a poor financial situation to get hold of something that might be a once in a lifetime thing? Of course.
Do I believe scalpers know this and are trying to take advantage? Yes 100%.
My comment about your ignorance still applies but the net has been widened.
(Ps you clearly care what people think or else you wouldn't keep arguing. Lets not pretend otherwise)
Just allowing you to dig your hole deeper, that's all. You're just too far down to notice a difference.
No no !! You're not wrong at all I just feel bad that I hadn't suffered anything thus I I simply can't full understand your pain. However, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth either. My parents worked their asses off to get my switch and I had to work many months to even afford ACNH for my switch. (Having a job that only pays you 7.25 an hour sucks especially when you only work part time.) It took me almost a year to even afford my sister's switch plus acnh. Bold of you to assume I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I feel bad about what has happened to you which is why I felt awkward about what was currently happening in this thread. Especially with corona around. I lost my job for many months which took me longer to afford my acnh and my sister's switch but I was blessed enough to get it bad. So, again I just felt awkward.
That silver spoon comment was a bit much.

I'll openly apologize for helping contribute to this thread derailing. I'll go ahead and focus primarily on keeping track on and reporting back if/when Target opens pre-orders.
That silver spoon comment was a bit much.

I'll openly apologize for helping contribute to this thread derailing. I'll go ahead and focus primarily on keeping track on and reporting back if/when Target opens pre-orders.
It's fine my comment didn't have the right context so I can see how it could come off as me saying I'm rich in a way. Anyway I do hope we get preorders soon.
I wanted the Sanrio cards when they first came out for New Leaf. They were just too expensive to buy. I ended up buying fan made ones on etsy or ebay. I can't remember, but anyway, they were $15 with low shipping. Came in the form of cute key chains and they worked perfectly.

AND I MISSED IT. Must've been by like an hour since when I opened the tab, it said "Preorder". Ugh. Welp, gonna keep trying :)
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No no !! You're not wrong at all I just feel bad that I hadn't suffered anything thus I I simply can't full understand your pain. However, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth either. My parents worked their asses off to get my switch and I had to work many months to even afford ACNH for my switch. (Having a job that only pays you 7.25 an hour sucks especially when you only work part time.) It took me almost a year to even afford my sister's switch plus acnh. Bold of you to assume I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I feel bad about what has happened to you which is why I felt awkward about what was currently happening in this thread. Especially with corona around. I lost my job for many months which took me longer to afford my acnh and my sister's switch but I was blessed enough to get it bad. So, again I just felt awkward.
My sincerest apologies for taking it the wrong way, it's been a real trial of a year. :)
hi everyone :D this seems like a long shot, but any news on preorders for target? can we buy them online yet? i really wanna get my hands on a pack of these, but the only target available is like an hour away and i can’t drive :( plus knowing my luck, scalpers would get to them before i ever could,,
I ordered from spelbutiken, I really hope they will get enough to cover the orders... ; _ ; The cards went up on playasia too and was instantly sold out.. I hope people only order for themselves. I don't sympathise with scalpers at all. Theyre just scum causing artificial inflation for their own gain. the old cards were on ebay before this release for around 50 dollars per card and up. Its disgusting.
My sincerest apologies for taking it the wrong way, it's been a real trial of a year. :)
Ah no worries !! I should have put more context behind my post ! It really has been a tough year and it's barely started. I get it ! I do hope you get your money back !
Morally and ethically they're both wrong, but only one is illegal, and it's not flipping.

I'll continue to say it even though it falls on deaf ears, but the community just readily accepts the illegal one out of frustration that they weren't able to get the card they wanted at a price they wanted. We can all blame Nintendo for not asking for enough to be printed, but without people paying ridiculous prices, flippers wouldn't be motivated to do what they do.

Buy all the Amiibo coins you want, but you truly have no leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing the alternative; you are quite literally supporting the sale of stolen goods.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't selling/financially benefiting from counterfeit amiibos is illegal, but acquiring data from an official product is legal?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't selling/financially benefiting from counterfeit amiibos is illegal, but acquiring data from an official product is legal?
I believe that is correct. My stance is that it's illegal to duplicate and distribute (whether for money or not) the Amiibo data, which bootleggers are guilty of doing (my feeble mind translates that as distribution of stolen goods). I'm just not going to continue going down this road, as it's clear the majority of the community is only capable of thinking flipping is bad, while doing something against the law isn't.
I believe that is correct. My stance is that it's illegal to duplicate and distribute (whether for money or not) the Amiibo data, which bootleggers are guilty of doing (my feeble mind translates that as distribution of stolen goods). I'm just not going to continue going down this road, as it's clear the majority of the community is only capable of thinking flipping is bad, while doing something against the law isn't.

I dont like both. But I dislike "flipping" more because you take control of the market to fake a lower supply of something. To raise the prices. It only screws over people that dont have much money and kids that miss out on getting the stuff at launch because some idiots hoards all the supplies of kids toys to earn some dirty money. It pisses me off. :)
I dont like both. But I dislike "flipping" more because you take control of the market to fake a lower supply of something. To raise the prices. It only screws over people that dont have much money and kids that miss out on getting the stuff at launch because some idiots hoards all the supplies of kids toys to earn some dirty money. It pisses me off. :)
I think that's fair, and I agree with you. The potential is even worse in the situation of these Amiibo cards because it's less of a gamble as to which villager will be in the pack...these have all 6.