Acre B-3: March

No worries! Anybody with 1,413 posts is unBannable!


Don't post cause then he can ban you again!
Justin125 said:
No worries! Anybody with 1,414 posts is unBannable!


Post cause then he can't ban you again!


No. I was a post off. Now I am good.

How many bangs do you wish to donate, wolf? On storm's head that is.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
I shall donate 124,567 bangs on storm's head.

P.S. I am wearing my antiban jacket

Oooooooo..... I want one. I'll pay you 50 bangs for one.
NOTE EVERYTHING IS TOTALY FAKE AND FOR FUN, <big><big><big><big><big><big>ANTI BAN STUFF AND BAN PROOF LEVELS STUFF IS ALL FAKE AND FOR FUN</big></big></big></big></big></big><big><big><big><big><big></big></big></big>

Bangs can be this thread's Currency for the month!


How to get Bangs:
Simply say, "I'll bang on storm's head xxx,xxx times".
People can also give them to people.

What you can buy:
Anti-Ban Jacket: 637 Bangs
Anti-Ban Hat: 378 Bangs
Anti-Ban Pants: 747 Bangs
Anti-Ban Shrit: 937 Bangs
Ban Proof Level 1: 385 Bangs
Ban Proof Level 2 357 Bangs
Ban Proof Level 3: 738 Bangs

Trading and Giving is allowed.


Wolf is going to ruin the Banging Acodameny.
