Aetherial Aesthetics

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Kamzitty's event entry:
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~My Valentine’s Day Collage~


Valentine’s Day to me is spending time with my loved ones, my husband and animals!! We usually get some really good food and eat yummy dessert together before relaxing with a movie or playing games together 💕
All the art shown were commissions I had requested as gifts for previous valentines days 🥰

Newbiemayor's event entry:
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I figured out how to make a collage on Pinterest. It was a lot of fun making this! I wanted to show some of my favorite things about valentines like sweets, flowers, hearts, dancing, spending time with my pets, and playing video games, especially co-op games!

I got all these pictures from Pinterest so here's the sources I could find.

Pixel hearts
Animal crossing balloon
Heart dog
Hershey kisses
Rose bouquet
Chocolate sign
Heart scribble
Heart lollypop
Pink roses
Companion cube
Chocolate strawberries
JellyLu's event entry:
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Valentine's Day was...different this year. I had to let my dog fly free the day before. So this year, I made flowers from his pawprints (the prints were taken hours before we took him to the vet). I miss him dearly. I also made chicken soup from scratch with my fiancé and we continued tandem watching Buffy/Angel. My gift from him was a Marble Pink Princess plant :") I finished the day by playing Roblox. It was different, but still so full of love ❤️


The pawprint art was made by my dog and I, the plant is my own, the Roblox screenshot is my own from the game "Dig It", and all other pictures were sourced from Google. 6 images total. Heart stickers and background are free to use in the PicCollage app.
LoveGraceMarie's event entry:
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Happy valentines! Personally I don’t do relationships 😂, so, my ideal Valentine’s Day is (on brand) playing animal crossing, showing love to my villagers instead 😊here I’ve made a collage of some cute pink villagers in the shape of a heart 🩷
Aniko's event entry:
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Valentine's Day reminds me of my childhood, when my mom baked us a Black Forest cake, gifted us some gummies and let us watch old Disney movies the evening after a day spent playing in the snow or in some carnaval activities. It may not sound that special but it was, the other days there was no cake, TV or cartoon, just homework, dishes, bath and bed :LOL:

Now that I'm older and can do whatever I like, well...I just kind of recreate that childhood memory, I buy my own valentine gummies, chocolates and cinnamon candies, bake some cupcakes and watch cute anime all evening, although those past years I added some TBT activities and a bit of New Horizon which annoy my cats a lot lol. (your hands is not petting us!)

References: official anime artwork/screenshots, product website photos, some of my photos and artwork
LambdaDelta's event entry:
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another year of spending all of several days reading through all of the at the time as-of-yet-unread-for-me valentine's gift scenarios in fgo, as has become a custom for me this season. so I just decided to make my collage of all the new gift craft essences obtained from all my servants obtained since the last valentine's event (plus the new eggplant one). apologies for the shoddy editing

faerie's event entry:
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I'm not one for chocolates, but I do like flowers, fishing, sunsets, the beach and nature. I could really use some peace in my life right now, and this would certainly bring me closer to that goal!



My photos through the years- Faerie

Meeting At Night

Poem by Robert Browning
another year of spending all of several days reading through all of the at the time as-of-yet-unread-for-me valentine's gift scenarios in fgo, as has become a custom for me this season. so I just decided to make my collage of all the new gift craft essences obtained from all my servants obtained since the last valentine's event (plus the new eggplant one). apologies for the shoddy editing

View attachment 611711

update: I lied. I forgot I skipped over xu fu's ce, since I had no idea how or where to crop hers
S.J.'s event entry:
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Maybe it looks a bit chaotic, but my board is a bit of a work-in-progress that I'd like to add to over time. I actually really love celebrating Valentine's Day romantically, but for this Valentine's task I focused on self-love. A sort of reminder of the things and the people that I care about, and a reminder to be kind, caring, and forgiving to myself and others. 💗


Resources: Pin board, drawing pins, card stock and scrap-booking paper, wrapping paper, stickers, craft flowers, ribbon, trading cards/coin, Pikmin pin. All of the art is either official or from general crafting supplies, except one quote which was from the back of a calendar page, and the Up house, which is some older art of mine. Any silhouettes (e.g. vase, photo frame, bunting, etc.) were sourced from Cricut, except the jersey, which I drew up myself.
-Mars-'s event entry:
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Queerplatonic Aroace Entry.jpg

The event guidelines say this event is about creating a college of your ideal Valentine's day, "whatever that means is up to you" it doesn't say anything about that it needs to conform to romantic ideals, it just says it needs to match the Valentine's theme, so if me making a college about how I experience love and intimacy as an Aroace person who is interested in Queerplatonic relationships as opposed to romantic relationships isn't allowed then oh well this was fun to make anyways.
Ignore spoiler which contains the explanation of my college if you are not interested in reading Mars ramble on and on typing four paragraphs of text.
I'm aware the vast majority of people on TBT will not understand how I can be Aroace and simultaneously desire intimacy and commitment that mirrors the dynamic of stereotypical romantic relationships without it actually being romantic but that's fine with me, I can still experience love in my own unique way even if the majority of society doesn't understand how I feel.

I'm Aromantic so I cannot experience "crushes" on people or "fall in love" the way Alloromantics do but I'm still interested in getting a partner but I'm not interested in every single thing that is stereotypically romantic, I'm not interested in getting married, I can't stand physical touch and affection(kisses, holding hands, snuggling etc.) and I'm not interested in doing these things with a partner(I'm okay with hugs with very specific people though) and finally I don't feel comfortable making it publicly known to the world that I'm with someone special and I would rather keep the hypothetical existence of a partner and everything about them and what we do or don't do together private and unknown to the rest of the world.

I do actually adore Valentine's day and how it's a holiday about celebrating love and the cute aesthetic with hearts, chocolate, cards, flowers etc.(I don't engage with the "romantic" stuff such as the "I want to kiss people" imagery/text that doesn't apply to me) and like I previously mentioned I do want a partner and I would like to do stuff with them that is similar to the level of commitment that romantic partners have, I want to move into the same living space with them and share a roof over my head with them, and manage joint finances with them, I want us to share meals with each other and cook together, I want us to sleep together in separate beds, I want us to be responsible for each other's health and wellbeing and help pay for each other's medical expenses, I want us to spend every single day making each other happy and experiencing joy together celebrating holidays and birthdays with each other and doing fun things together all the time and when we hang out in public together everyone thinks we are "just friends" or "co-workers" or something and nobody knows we are actually roommates and nobody needs to know, I want us to make each others dreams come true, I want to always be in the same place with my partner and I would happily move across the country in a heartbeat to be with my partner. I would do anything for my partner but no romance no getting married, no touching(except hugs) and no public expressions of love

In my college I tried my hardest to express my ideals of love and intimacy without it being romantic, I tried to keep a Valentine's theme with the flowers(Pink tulips can symbolize love, affection, gratitude and well wishes. They can be given to friends and family to show you care, or to congratulate someone. Pink carnations symbolize gratitude, appreciation, and remembrance. Yellow roses symbolize joy, friendship, and new beginnings) the hearts and some images that show intimacy that isn't inherently romantic, my ideal Valentine's day is spending time with a partner and having fun and experiencing joy together however we can without needing to conform to society's ideals of what "love", "romance" and "intimacy" are suppose to look like and that we don't need to be married, physically affectionate or public about our relationship for us to be dedicated to each other for life until we die
Image credits.
Virtually all images were taken from Pinterest, none of these images are other artist's work that I took without permission or credit. if staff wants image sources for any image(s) please let me know. The text that says my name on my entry was made using this website, I'm sorry if it wasn't okay for me to use word text to write my name on my entry.​
Aerith's event entry:
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my ideal Valentine's Day is CLERITH

I just want a lover who will stop at nothing so that we can be together :)

FF14 Valentione's Day feature artwork (2018)
Screenshots from various FF7 media (OG, Remake, Advent Children, Ever Crisis, etc) - many of these SS were sourced from
Quotes from supplementary FF7 materials and interviews (e.g. FF7 Ultimania, Case of Lifestream (White), etc)
Pixel CxA art -
Ever Ours: CxA fanzine, where I sourced the majority of the fanmade artwork (@ceremono, @iizunee, @akumarations, @RudeThighs, @shannascribbles, @Lenak_K, "Dream Pinoko" @3UrtJJyoefRjPoF, @poccipocetta, @ukanicoponpon, @RacyAerith, "Okha" @reblokha, "Hamoni" @krudears, @_mageofspace_)
Heart Valentines - Adobe stock
Cloud and Aerith laying next to one another -
Cloud and Aerith with wedding flower basket -
Cloud and Aerith with starry motifs - diaXYZ
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Rio_'s event entry:
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I didn't end up making my OC collage because I didn't feel like drawing, but I ended up coming up with another idea that is very special to me.

My cat Luna passed away last spring, and because the birthday I arbitrarily picked out for her (we don't know her real one since she was a stray) is Valentine's Day, I wanted to make something to commemorate her birthday and the love I had for her ❤️

Used my photos, random old stickers I had lying around and Pokemon and Sailor Moon Drops official art.
Halloqueen's event entry:
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aetherial aesthetics.png

Valentine's Day hasn't traditionally been all that big a day for me as I'm somewhere on the spectrum of on-but-not-entirely asexual, though I am interested in companionship and seeking a partner in the future. So I just kind of went for what came to mind. Hohenheim and Trisha, Izumi and Sig and Ed and Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist, Sigurd and Deirdre from Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War, Lisa Frankenstein (the full moon), Ruby and Sapphire's relationship as Garnet fom Steven Universe, Gomez and Morticia from the Addams Family, Yusuke and Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho and Seth Brundle and Veronica from David Cronenberg's The Fly.

The Gomez and Morticia art was found on Pinterest, so unsure of the original source currently. Looking into it.
Thanks for participating! <3 New
Thank you all for participating! I've loved seeing your collages. Each one is unique and beautiful. 💕

I hope you enjoyed this type of event and found it to be inclusive. However, I'm always open to feedback so feel free to let me know if there's something I can do better next time.

I do apologize for not being as active during this event as I would have liked to be. Too much going on in real life. 😖

All entries should be accepted now, so if I've missed yours please let me know. Some of the most recent entries haven't had time to reach the bonus for receiving 10 Valentine's reactions yet, but I will go back through and adjust your Cupid Coins if more reactions come in later. All entries have received the bonus now as well! 🎉

If you haven't left reactions for others yet, there's still time to help them reach the bonus by reacting to their entry using the event specific Valentine's envelope! 💌
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