After-Release Bell System

Does this have a real purpose? Like, with there be something to buy with them? Or is this just something fun for the board to do?
It changes the order dates are displayed. Dates in Europe are ordered differently.

America: November 7, 2004
Europe: 7 November 2004

or something like that
i keep getting locked out and it repeatedly asks me for my password
i emptied my cache ??

Please Help .... ???
darobotkid said:
i keep getting locked out and it repeatedly asks me for my password
i emptied my cache ??

Please Help .... ???
What browser are you using?
I haven't had any type of complaints for the Bell System :3 It's working out pretty good for me =D
If you are using Safari read the pinned thread in the TBT Market board. I explain how to make it work there. It's very simple actually. You just have to make it accepts all cookies.