I love that there's three people who voted fifty plus.. I hope it wasn't a joke and that there's actually people over 50 playing AC/on the forum, the thought makes me happy.
I'm 18 (will be 19 the day after tomorrow) and I still love animal crossing! ^.^ I was first introduced to it back when I was about 10 years old thanks to those little "if you liked ______ than you might enjoy Animal Crossing Wild World!" Papers that they used to package in older Nintendo games. I remember the couple of gameplay screenshots on that paper had me super interested in trying out the game. xD Too bad I no longer have the sheet... :/
I started new leaf at 29, and I just turned 31...wow I switched bracket ages...lol. Oh well at least people still wonder if I am 21-25 sometimes think younger, I got carded for an M rated video game...really? haha. Can be annoying but mostly all good that I've got that young looking thing going for me so I guess I don't feel bad. My fianc? is 22 and you can't tell who's older so I feel no age shame, felt weird crossing over the 30 line though and last year flew by.