Selling all adoptable villagers available!

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Phoebe please! I need an Uchi in my town and Phoebe's the only nice-looking one... lol
Could I get Merengue? (I'm posting quite a bit so I'll have the TBT!!)
I’m interested in Marshal. My account is exactly a week old today but I’m fine doing either rate. It’s 15-30 TBT, yes? I have a vilager pinged to move who I can push out at any moment
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I’m interested in Marshal. My account is exactly a week old today but I’m fine doing either rate. It’s 15-30 TBT, yes? I have a vilager pinged to move who I can push out at any moment

hey nobby, 15 is just fine. :) are you available anytime from 7pm-11:30pm est?
Hello! I’d really love to adopt Lucky please :) I’m available tonight any time before 10pm EST.
I would love to have Mitzi or Robin in town. If one of them is easier for you to do, I?ll take that one. 30 tbt is the cost, yes?
I would love to have Mitzi or Robin in town. If one of them is easier for you to do, I’ll take that one. 30 tbt is the cost, yes?

hello, yep! I can do either so it is really up to your preference. let me know who you'd like me to box :)
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