‣ all things nice | WINNERS ANNOUNCED PG 641

How come she doesn't just quickly pick the winner or just close the thread doe
I mean, I'm cool with getting extra entries 8) but I'm just wondering
She was using a hotspot so the wi-fi is probs crap.

It doesn't take long to close a thread tho

I don't mean to come as rude I'm just wondering
I like more time eeeee ;____;

Well whatever it doesn't actually matter hahaha

Also should I sell my hammer
I love it but

I need house funds ;___;
im back from the grave
still no wifi just leeching off someone's hotspot hohoho

i really don't know when my wifi is coming back on, the stupid company keeps delaying it ughugh
i can't guarantee the exact dates of the thread re-opening

I'm glad you're doing okay! Bad wifi is the worst ugh ;v;