if you still want/need the Lon Lon Milk & New 3DS - Sabel, I can give them to you for free :^)
Honeyyyy, do you still need the roses and ABD?
yess I doooo do you wanna come drop them off and do some tours with me too?
I can come drop the items off but I'll have to go right back to my town. I have a super busy day today so I'll even have to do that quickly ;-;
I know our timezones and schedules are way off and I usually can't play in the morning unless it's Saturday. Do you want to plan sometime we can play together?
Yes sure!! I should be available all day on Saturday tbh so just leave me a VM
Ok, great! You still want me to drop off the items now?
Sure!! I should BestFriend you while youre here :^)
bumping this again - If anybody can get me a P. Bunny Balloon please let me know!!
I have a pink bunny balloon, I have no idea about pricing though >3<
Would 2 tbt for the balloon be ok?
Sounds fine to me, I’ll just add your FC now