Can I PLEASE have Cobb? This is so nice of you!
Added ya to the claimed list!
I'm giving away some amiibo cards here.
-First come, first serve.
-US only please.
-One card per person.
-I'll mail these bad boys sometime this weekend.
*Kabuki - dapperlace
*Isabelle - The Hidden Owl
*Quillson- kiti_in_wonderland
*Molly - trea
*Flurry - aleonhart
latteangel - Cobb
*Star listed if I received your address.
Ugh i hate living in Europe
Omg! Thank you for this ; o ;
Is Deena or Flurry still available?
Only deli or t-bone I think
Aw, Thanks for letting me know
Could I claim Deli please? If not already claimed ^^
Is there still some left? I'd like one. c: