Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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Hello !
Villagers Requested: Marshal, Blanche
Total: I dont understand what that means, can someone explain ?
FC: 2681-1067-0106
Mayor: Anais
Town: Landy
Timezone: GMT
Availability: Everyday and all day 10am-01pm
Thank you
Oh, sorry. The total part is like.. if you order 1 villager it would be 25 tbt, 2 villagers it would be 50 tbt, etc.

Do you have spaces to adopt both? I can box them for you after I box Dotty for honeyaura :)
Thanks for explaining but what does 25 tbt mean ? Sorry I'm new to this forum and I still don't know these things
I have one place free, and I need to TT to get one villager that I don't like to move out, so I think I can do it.
Villagers Requested: Cookie!
Total: 25 TBT
FC: 4528-0988-2039
Town: Boo
Timezone: GMT
Availability: 5-12 pm!

I confirm I've added your friend code♥
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Thanks for explaining but what does 25 tbt mean ? Sorry I'm new to this forum and I still don't know these things
I have one place free, and I need to TT to get one villager that I don't like to move out, so I think I can do it.

TBT is the forum currency, the "Bells" under your avatar! You currently have 429 c:
@honey - gates are opened! Please come in and get Dotty!

@sisite -

It's forum currency. So see how under your username you have Bells: 429?

This is how many TBT bells ("tbt") you have.

I can box Blanche for you now and box Marshal for you tomorrow if that works?
Great! I'll let you know when you can come over to my town. Probably a few minutes. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Blanche is in boxes and you can come get her! I'll be afk so feel free to wander around without me. But yeah, let me know if you have any issues on the forums. c:
Omg so sorry, my battery went flat right as I went to get my charger... -_-; I'll open my gates again right now!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gates have been opened again. Again so sorry. :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gates have been opened again. Again so sorry. :(
No worries, you can send me 25 tbt now and then tomorrow (same time?) I can box Marshal for you and you can send me the remaining tbt. c:
Great, I've received the tbt for Blanche. c:

Chat again tomorrow. :)
Hi there, can you please let me know your availability? It makes it much easier for me to plan.
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