Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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animal crossing

could we trade for a few of the villagers you have, im interested in octavian, deidre and fauna/
What do you have to offer? Tbh, I'm not really interested in much aside from TBT bells here but happy to consider. Also, I don't have Fauna.
Villagers Requested: Octavian
Total: 25 TBT
FC: Already added you
Mayor: Ava
Town: Avian
Timezone: EST
Availability: Anytime after 1 pm
fc# in sig.
CST: alday alnight! (ii can wait til 7pm your time, it will be like 2am here, bht its do-able :)
villager: chevre
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Hi! I'm working from home today. Do you have space now?
Hi! I'm working from home today. Do you have space now?

oh okay.. im working on getting someone out, the villager that was supposed to move decided not to lol.. ii should have someone new soon, ill let you know ty
No worries, no worries! plenty of time. :)

hello, sorry for the wait.. ii thought someone was moving ii coulda sworn ii pressed 'okay bye' bht ii guess not lol bht now someone else is moving so im ready for Chevre now!! please let me know when open
Okay! Give me 2 mins! I've already scanned her in so I'll just kicker her out and open my gates!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gate's opened! Let me know here if any issues!
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