Animal Crossing: New Horizons director has removed her Twitter account after receiving numerous critical messages

With all the negativity and entitlement among players, I truly support her decision to take time off from social media. Many people don't realise how much those negativity can affect someone's health, mentally and later, physically. There was a young Japanese lady wrestler who committed suicide recently this year because she was constantly bullied online. Toxic People are crazy, they won't stop until you die
I imagine it must have gotten stressful, and I can definitely see why she deleted her account even if it was just negative comments. That type of stuff can weigh on a person and if I were in that situation I may have deleted to keep myself from looking at it and getting upset or angry. I think that's a good way of handling it.

Being a creator of any kind can be a personal thing, and I'm sure many artists can attest to how much it sucks getting even a little hate mail for something you made.
Agh this is so sad. :( I hate to see that. I wouldn't want my personal life plagued so intensely by my work even if I absolutely loved what I did. No regular human being would enjoy being slandered and solicited 24/7 everywhere they went for something that they were involved in for work. I wish her all the best and I hope she can find comfort away from the cesspool of strange, obsessive freaks who thought it would be okay to do this to her. Fans can get downright nasty. When they're not treating celebrities and public figures or prominent creators as if they're exhibits in a zoo, they're blasting them all over their personal social media accounts about the smallest and silliest things. That's honestly disgusting.
I'm surprised Masahiro Sakurai hasn't deleted his Twitter with all the BS people send him. I seriously hope she wasn't harassed or bullied. Twitter is such a toxic site.

The amount of harassment he gets about Waluigi alone is beyond our imagination. I really pity him and he looks so frail.. I'm his fan and hope he stays healthy always
I want to preface my statement by stating that it is absolutely not her fault that she has been receiving nasty critiques by people to her own personal account. That kind of behaviour should not be tolerated.

That being said, without knowing much about her Twitter activity before and the situation, it leads me to believe that there was perhaps other information that the public is not privy to that led to her (or others) making this decision. As a higher up within Nintendo, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a PR team/social media management team helping her handle her social media accounts - and yes, even her private one. I'm not sure if it's something she'd have access to given that she's not a celebrity, but as someone in the public eye and representing Nintendo, wouldn't it be in their best interests to provide such services to her and to maintain her social media?

I haven't been able to find any articles or anything confirming her reasons for deactivating the account. I guess I'm just surprised that someone so prominent and public-facing within Nintendo can deactivate their account just like that.
She should have expected some criticism reguarding NH, and had a thicker skin, given the business she's in...

Still.. it's not nice when you feel forced to quit something due to the nastiness of others.
Is it really just criticism or is it just outright flame bait? I never ventured to her twitter account to see, but I'm pretty sure she was getting nasty comments. I always loved how people would say they're critiquing someones' art when they're just saying 'This stuff sucks' That's not how it works.

She should have expected some criticism reguarding NH, and had a thicker skin, given the business she's in.
If she posted a tweet asking opinions/criticism of the game that's one thing. If she's posting her daily life, it's not the right place or time. I can't stand those K-Pop fans on Twitter that always spam their crap where it's not even relevant. These are the kind of 'fans' that give the rest of us a bed rep. We try to bury them under the ground, but Animal Crossing has a toxic underbelly community.

I may not agree with everything they did in NH, but I'd never go and harass anyone who worked on it. Sakurai has gotten so much crap from 'fans' that I'm surprised he hasn't deleted his account.
Is it really just criticism or is it just outright flame bait? I never ventured to her twitter account to see, but I'm pretty sure she was getting nasty comments. I always loved how people would say they're critiquing someones' art when they're just saying 'This stuff sucks' That's not how it works.

If she posted a tweet asking opinions/criticism of the game that's one thing. If she's posting her daily life, it's not the right place or time. I can't stand those K-Pop fans on Twitter that always spam their crap where it's not even relevant. These are the kind of 'fans' that give the rest of us a bed rep. We try to bury them under the ground, but Animal Crossing has a toxic underbelly community.

I may not agree with everything they did in NH, but I'd never go and harass anyone who worked on it. Sakurai has gotten so much crap from 'fans' that I'm surprised he hasn't deleted his account.

You only quoted part of my post.

You, for some reason, left the rest of what I said, that basically says what you just said.

Here is my full post.

John Wick said:
She should have expected some criticism reguarding NH, and had a thicker skin, given the business she's in...

Still.. it's not nice when you feel forced to quit something due to the nastiness of others.
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Twitter is known to be a toxic site. I agree there’s probably more to the story...
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idk how to say this without being too incendiary but gamers truly are the worst kind of fanbase. I don't know how developers even do it. I mean, is it even worth it to make games when you're inevitably going to run into a bunch of manbabies? sure, all types of fanbases can be toxic, but it feels like video game fans are the worst of the worst.

there's a lot to criticize about ACNH. it's not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination. and I'm not one to coddle corporations; if you feel you're being sold a shoddy product, you have every right to complain (especially when said product is as expensive as ACNH). but do so through the appropriate channels. there's a time and a place for everything.
Yeah I only criticize when people make their own critical threads about the game. But that’s it. I would never harass anyone about a game.
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yikes. i don’t know much about this situation but i feel bad for her - twitter can be brutal and while i understand that the game might currently feel incomplete, i don’t really know what people expect her to do. nintendo has made it abundantly clear that there’ll be updates dropping over the next few years that will bring back old npcs and features along with new ones so it’s to the point where this isn’t about the game “being incomplete” - it’s about entitlement and impatience. people were informed that not everything would be in the game from the beginning and they still chose to invest money in it - the direct back in february talked about the updates and they’ve been talked about since. i understand people being impatient and eager for new content but what exactly can aya do about that right this second? not much. regardless of people’s thoughts on the game, aya shouldn’t of been hounded on her personal account about this. just let the woman live smh
Good for her, I think getting off of any social media specifically Twitter is a good thing mental health wise.

To much toxic people on social media these days especially twitter, where everyone thinks their opinions are facts and they feel that anyone who questions them needs to be bullied/canceled.