*~ Croissant ~*
formerly kazujina
By the way, I have been comparing numbers from NL to NH since a long time ago, you seem to have the numbers for previous games based on the comment that this game has less furniture. Can you please share the numbers for previous games? I had access to the numbers of NL and NH due to the databases that exist like moridb and Nook's Plaza, but wasn't even able to find for other games and I'd appreciate to have some info for older titles!
From looking at MoriDB, not including wallpaper/flooring/fossils/art and color variations, there are approximately 1,750 individual pieces of funiture in New Leaf (rounding down).
MoriDB lists 80 furniture series/sets in New Leaf according to this list http://moridb.com/items/sets/
On VillagerDB, https://villagerdb.com/items/furniture?game=nh, 1227 pieces of furniture are listed, also not including wallpaper/flooring/fossils/art and not including color variations.
According to this list, New Horizons has 36 furniture sets https://odealo.com/articles/animal-crossing-new-horizons-furniture-sets.
Feel free to correct me or point me towards some more sources if you have numbers that are different than mine. I myself was surprised at the low amount of furniture sets I found for New Horizons. But why are you asking me forthe numbers for older versions of AC? I actually didn’t mention or implied anything about the older games other than NL in my last comment so idk what to say to about that.
However, I don’t actually need to get into a numbers game to prove my point. I think that the difference in furniture variety between NL and NH is hard to ignore. Consider the vast amount of styles that were available in NL. What happened to the Rococo, regal, sleek, princess, gorgeous and Gracie furniture sets? What about the huge variety of houseplants that was available in New Leaf? There are also much more food items in New Leaf as well.
It's cool that you went to classes and your job during the pandemic, I'm also still working from home. I don't agree that you can safely say that the developers didn't work hard at the game but hey, that's your own opinion based on what little we know about this. It also doesn't matter that the quarantine helped Nintendo (hint, it helped the whole industry on the sales-side of the business but it was a detriment to the whole industry on the research and development side, based on the information given by the companies, the developers and the analysts of the industry).
In regards to this, yup, all of us know very little or nothing about what really goes on inside of Nintendo. But from the outside, they are a huge international corporation that made huge $ off Animal Crossing, promised AC fans a bunch of upates, and didn’t keep good on their own hype. It looks to me like they dont have their **** together and it’s a bad look, considering that people like you and me managed to keep our **** together. The individual developer on the ground floor isn’t who I have my beef with, it’s the people on top at Nintendo not using their resources (developers are a resource) to the extent they are capable of. They got our money in March 2020. What did they spend it on?