Anyone ever heard of Animal Crossing Sweets? I got Nintendoland for
Christmas and one of the games was called Animal Crossing Sweets.
It's a two-four player game and you walk around an AC town and see who can get the most candies. It sounds really sweet!
That sounds super cute! I am working on a Halloween town where I am going to leave a trail of candies and lollipops going to all the villagers houses, so I would love to play that and see how it's like, maybe it would help me plan my town and give me ideas!
I got it when I got my Wii U- launch deluxe model. I played it a little bit, it's fun and all, but similar to the mini-games in Amiibo Festival, a bit too short in my opinion. I know it's all mini-games, and was a launch game, but still.